(30) PC: Umm...

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The sun was near a high point when Robin stopped at the forest line, before the How. Something was wrong. Something was terribly wrong. She morphed into the black panther, and brought in a deep breath, and released it with a growl. She knew that smell, even from where she stood a hundred yards away from the Tomb, she knew it.

Releasing another growl, Robin leaped forward and dashed her way to the How, down the ramp, into the weapon rooms, then making a sharp turn she ran down the tunnel. She slid to a stop a few feet in and turned about, Peter had been standing there, and she would need his help and anyone else there.

She shifted as she came back out. No one had noticed her, and she was half thankful for that. Peter's back was to her, and he was talking to Edmund about something or another. Trumpkin stood by and Lucy by him. She didn't see Susan anywhere though.

"Robin, where were you?" It was Edmund, he had finally noticed her walking toward them. Everyone turned to look at her.


"What happened to your arm?" That was Peter. Robin felt like yelling at him, but she couldn't, knowing they had all gotten back safely, at least she hopped everyone had gotten back safely. She still hadn't seen Caspian or Susan.


"Robin!" They all said. Robin shook her head.

"No time to worry about that, come with me...and quickly." She turned around and marched quickly to the tunnel where she disappeared. They all looked at one another, then matched her pace to catch up.

When they caught up with Robin she had her sword drawn and was going a very fast pace. They still didn't fully understand, until she came to a complete stop causing Peter to ram into her back. She groan and he gave her a worried look. But she ignored him and continued to stare ahead. Peter sighed and followed her gaze. He gave no time to think before he ran out and drew his sword, yelling "Stop!" As he did so.

Robin didn't follow although everyone else did. She stared at the ice that had formed between the columns in front of Aslan. The ice wasn't what had her frozen, but what was in the ice. The stench that she brought with her even with being ice. The White Witch stood with her hand out for Caspian to take hold of. His sword was sheathed, and his hand out toward her's. A trickle of blood dripped to the floor, hitting a circle that had been drawn around the prince.

"Come on..." The Witch said so sweetly, Robin understood what held Caspian there. Peter ran up and shoved Caspian out of the way, but he still stood in a circle holding the trance to him now.

"Get away from him!" Peter yelled at her, now. Jadis pulled her hand back in quickly.

"Peter dear...I have missed you." She held you hand out again. "Come, just one drop." Robin frowned at her, trying to figure out what she wanted. But her frown was gone as her head went lightheaded. She leaned back against the wall watching Peter slowly lower his sword. Then a sword protrudes itself inside her stomach, the Witch's hand retreated back into the ice, and her head thrown back. The ice cracked and then shattered, everyone ducked out of the way as the shards ran down upon them.

There standing where the ice had once been was Edmund, with his sword still above his head. He brought it down and glanced at Peter.

"I know. You had it sorted." Was all he said before he walked away. Everyone's eyes were now on the wall behind, where Aslan stood watching, and that was the last thing Robin saw.


She woke to having six faces staring down at her. She was still in the tunnel, only she was laying on the floor instead of leaning against the wall. Peter was at her side next to Edmund. Lucy was at her head, Caspian and Susan at her other side, and Trumpkin stood looking over Lucy's head.

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