(14) LWW: The Trees

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Lucy and Susan sat in their hiding place, hugging and crying until the the morning sun was giving them just enough light to see. The Witch's army and herself had left hours ago, leaving only Aslan behind.

The girls finally crawled out from behind the rocks and slowly approached the Stone Table. Lucy was the first to him, she ran up the steps and sat beside his head. After staring at him for a short while she pulled out the Fire-Flower Cordial she had been given by Father Christmas.

"It's too late." Susan said. Lucy just looked at her. "He's gone." Lucy slowly put the medicine away as Susan came and sat on the other side of Aslan. Lucy was tearing up again and stared rubbing under the Lion's eye. "He must have known what he was doing." Both girls leaned down and rested their heads in his chopped mane.

The sun was a little higher when they raised their heads to the sound of ropes snapping. They looked up to see many little mice running along the ropes. They were biting into the ropes and snapping them off of Aslan's body.

"Get away! Get away, all of you!" Susan cried, waving her hands at the mice, trying to get them to flee. But they wouldn't, not until all the ropes where off the Great Beast.

"No. Look." Lucy said, watching the little creatures work away at the ropes. Susan now saw and started helping the mice get them off. Lucy placed her hands against the one over Aslan's muzzle and started to push it off, and with Susan's help, she did.

With all the ropes off Aslan looked like he was just resting, but only if the mane would grow back. Lucy ran her hand along the Lion's fur above his mouth. "We have to tell the others." Susan whispered.

"We can't just leave him!" Lucy argued.

"Lucy, there's no time." Susan pleaded. "They need to know." Lucy looked away as a slight wind started to blow through. The leaves of the trees moved along with it giving a rustling sound. Lucy looked back at Susan with a knowing look.

"The trees." She said.

Wind flowed through the great trees of the forest. In this wind passed a message. A message that the Great Aslan, the true King of Narnia was dead. The wind flowed for many minutes before coming to a little dogwood tree at the edge of the stream. The camp lights could be seen from this certain's tree's view.

The blossoms of the tree blew away from the branches and flowed through the camp, until it came to Peter and Edmund's tent. There is blew through the flaps and into the room.

Peter moved as the wind blew over his face. His eyes opened slightly and as he looked he watched a girl be made from the tree blossoms. He drew his sword and aimed it at her, waking Edmund in the process. She raised a hand.

"Be still, my Princes." She said. "I bring grave news from your sisters." Peter and Edmund looked at each other then back at her.

The camp was now in motion. The sun had not yet come out but everyone was up and quickly walking around getting things ready for the new day. Edmund stood outside his tent with Oreius. Peter was still inside with the Tree Nymph. They had been silent for the whole ten minutes Peter had been in there.

The tent flaps opened and Peter walked out. "She's right." He said as he walk toward the table next to Edmund and Oreius. "He's gone." The Centaur sighed, making the Princes look at him.

"This also mean Robin is gone." Oreius said with a hint of grief. Peter looked back at the table. On it held a map of where the battle would be. Narnian flags were lined on the side of which they would defend. The Witch's blue flags stood on her side, and they outnumbered the red ones.

"Then you'll have to lead us." Edmund said. Peter looked at his brother and gave his head a shake. "Peter, there's an army out there and it's ready to follow you."

"I can't." Peter argued, shaking his head again.

"Aslan believed you could." Edmund paused as Peter looked back at the map. "And so do I." That seemed to make up Peter's mind for him.

"The Witch's army is nearing, sire." Oreius stated. "What are your orders?" Peter stared at the map, his mind thinking hard and long about what to do next

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