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I wanna quickly mentioned some things that you might need to know before we get on the actual learning:

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I wanna quickly mentioned some things that you might need to know before we get on the actual learning:

1. I'm in no way shape or form are a "pro" at the English language, because I never actually learned it, it just comes naturally as I'm adapting myself in the English community. I'm just here to give you guys some tips & tricks that might be helpful for those of you who wants to be good at using English in your daily lives.

2. I'm 18 & I've never and won't be interested in learning about Grammar because I just find it extremely boring and don't do much to my English ability. So yes, my grammar sucks. Friendly warning: Grammar is still important and you should know just enough to be able to make a coherent sentence.

3. The Internet is your best friend. Not school, not private course, the Internet is all you need, buddy.

4. I'm taking this book seriously, but I wanted it to be fun, so yes there's gonna be a lot of swearing and inappropriate words but it's more fun this way, isn't it? I don't want to be like other people who give tips by "how to use past tense" or "v1/v2/v3", because to be honest, who the fuck cares? It's so boring. You just want to learn English right? And for me, those way aren't the most helpful and important, it's rather confusing and hard. Also, there's already a lot of them, so.. what's the point of giving the same tips over and over again?

5. And no, all of those things that I said are still important and there's no right or wrong. I just preferred it this way. In fact, if you want to learn English that way, I'm not blaming you mate, I'm good, but you won't find that in here.

You're probably wondering at this moment, why the hell did this person uses English instead of Indonesian? Well, because I wanted to. No, seriously, I'm using English in this Introduction, so that you guys will actually make an effort on "how to learn it" instead of "Okay, got it!". If I'm using Indonesian rather than English, you won't have to find out what I'm saying (just in case there is a word that you don't understand), but this way, if there's something that you don't get, you'll look for the meaning in Indonesian and guess what? You already learned it without even noticing, thank me later. And for the next chapters, I'm gonna be using Englonesian (mixed-up of Indo & English).

Anyway, I rambled too much on this Introduction. Let's just get on to the actual "learning"!

Oh, one more thing, please do tell me about you. What is your name, how old you are, why are you interested in learning English and what you think I need to include in this book, and you could write your diary in here if you want, I'd gladly correct you if there's a mistake!


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