Words Used in Police Works

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In this chapter, I'll write down some of the most common words in police works. This is also an important lesson to look at because you might get a bit of a hard time understanding words that only police officers/works says. So, here are the commonly used one:

1. Arrest
= ditahan/ditangkap

Contoh kalimat:
"My partner arrested the man who set fire to the building."

2. Assailant
= orang yang mengecam/menyerang

Contoh kalimat:
"Did you see the assailant run away?"

3. At large, on the loose
= belum tertangkap, masih berkeliaran

Contoh kalimat:
"I'm afraid that the man who robbed the bank is still at large/on the loose."

4. Armed and dangerous
= bersenjata dan berlatar belakang berbahaya

Contoh kalimat:
"Do not approach the man called James Bulger. He is considered armed and dangerous."

5. Back-up
= polisi cadangan/polisi yang disiapkan untuk membantu polisi yang sedang bertugas

Contoh kalimat:
"We're calling for back-up now that we know she has a gun."

6. Bail
= uang berjumlah besar untuk membebaskan seseorang agar dapat keluar dari penjara

Contoh kalimat:
"Your husband's bail is posted at $20.000

7. Baton, night stick
= pentungan polisi

Contoh kalimat:
"No, we don't carry guns. We only have baton."

8. Book
= memasukkan seseorang kedalam daftar kriminal

Contoh kalimat:
"We're taking your brother down to the station to book him."

9. Break into
= membobol rumah/mobil/lainnya secara ilegal

Contoh kalimat:
"Do you have any idea who would have broken into your car?"

10. Burglar
= seseorang yang masuk ke sebuah tempat dan mengambil barang-barang didalamnya (pencuri)

Contoh kalimat:
"We think the burglar got in trough your chimney."

11. Cell
= sel tahanan atau ruang tempat dimana para masing-masing tahanan tinggal/menetap

Contoh kalimat:
"We'll have to keep you in a cell until someone comes to pay your bail."

12. Convicted
= seseorang yang berada atau seharusnya sedang dalam masa tahanan

Contoh kalimat:
"Please be aware that there is a convict on the loose."

13. Cop/Copper/Chief/Sheriff
= polisi/sebutan bagi petugas polisi

Contoh kalimat:
"Did someone here call the cops?"

"Are you a Chief/Sheriff?"

14. Criminal record
= sebuah dokumen yang berisi seluruh daftar catatan kriminal orang yang telah mengaku bersalah

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