Dibawah ini, gua akan memberikan 50 Idiom yang populer dan sering digunakan oleh native speaker. Kalimat disini sangat berguna untuk kalian ketahui karena sering sekali dipake di kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk memahami Inggris sepenuhnya kalian harus mengerti artinya, barulah kalian bisa menjadi "insider".
1. Call it a day
= untuk berhenti melakukan sesuatu antara secara sementara/permanenContoh kalimat:
"I can't concentrate, let's call it a day."2. Break a leg
= semoga berhasil/semoga beruntungContoh kalimat:
"You're on in five minutes. Break a leg!"3. Get out of hand
= ketika kalian kehilangan kontrolContoh kalimat:
"The party get out of hand and everyone's starting to fight."4. Get your head around it
= agar mengerti/memahami sesuatuContoh kalimat:
"I just can't get my head around the fact that Kate just killed herself."5. Dig in your heels/Stick to your guns
= menolak untuk berkompromi/mengubah pikiranContoh kalimat:
"My parents wanted me to give up on writing, but I dug in my heels and went on to become a famous writer.""My parents wanted me to give up on writing, but I stuck to my guns and went on to become a famous writer."
6. Pound the pavement
= keliling jalanan kota untuk mencari pekerjaan (mencari lowongan kerja yang sedang dibuka)Contoh kalimat:
"I've been pounding the pavement for months to get a job at a restaurant."7. Beat around the bush/Cut to the chase
= berbicara dengan menghindari isu/inti utama topik pembicaraan, bertele-teleContoh kalimat:
"She tried to talk me out of it but she kept beating around the bush.""Cut the chase, and tell me what you did to him!"
8. Spill the tea
= memberitahu/mengungkapan kepada publik mengenai topik yang bersifat sensitif/tersembunyi terhadap sesuatu/seseorangContoh kalimat:
Person 1: "I've met Taylor Swift in real life, and she was so rude."
Person 2: "Oh, spill the tea, hun."9. Get it out of your system
= melakukan sesuatu yang ingin kalian lakukan dari lama dan tidak ingin menundanya lagiContoh kalimat:
"I don't know what her reaction's gonna be but I had to get it out of my system and tell her that I already found another girl."10. Step up your game
= menampilkan penampilan/performa yang lebih baikContoh kalimat:
"If you want to win this competition, you need to step up your game."11. Pull yourself together
= supaya tenang dan bertingkah laku baik/normalContoh kalimat:
"Hey, I know you had a bad day, but please pull yourself together, man."12. Work like a charm
= sukses/berhasil alias melakukan sesuatu dan mendapatkan hasil yang diinginkanContoh kalimat:
"See what I did with the vending machine? Work like a charm."
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