Chapter 9

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Valentina's P.O.V.

The next morning I woke up in the arms Dre. His arm was draped around my waist and I didn't want to wake him. He looks so peaceful when he's asleep. Like he has not a care in this world. The way his lips form a frown when he's asleep to the quiet snores that escape his mouth. My mind kept running back on last night and how good he made me feel. The wonders his finger and tongue could do made me think of how the real thing felt.

I laid in his arms for a while admiring how cute he looks but he still wasn't waking up so I came up with an idea.
I pulled my body upwards and kissed his cheek.
"Baby wake up." He groaned and twisted his body so that he was now laying on his back. I wanted to have a little more fun with him so I got up and straddled his lap and began grinding on little Dre.
I jumped when his hands came around my waist and his eyes snaked open. "I wouldn't want to start something I can't finish." He said in a deep, raspy yet sexy voice. I giggled and got off his lap heading to the bathroom.
"Dre do you have any spare toothbrush?"
"Check in the cabinet above your head." I looked up and realized that it was on the highest shelf and I couldn't reach it. I heard chuckling behind me and I turned around to see Dre laughing. He came over to me and easily took the toothbrush down handing it to me.
"Short ass." I heard him mumble. I rolled my eyes at him and began brushing my teeth. I then got in the shower using his Axe body wash to bathe. No wonder he always smells so good. I lathered my body and rinsed off. I got out the shower and saw that he placed a towel there for me so I used it and threw on one of his jerseys.

I walked out the room when I didn't see Dre and saw him coming towards the room in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. I guess he took a shower in the guest room. I couldn't help but gaze at his v-line.
"Like what you see?" He asked walking up to me and pulling me close to him.
"That's if there's anything to see." I said taking my hand and rubbing it against his manhood through the towel. My God he is big.
"You better stop."
"And what if I don't?" I asked challenging him and pushing him back against the wall. I tried to take off his towel but he grabbed my hands and gave me a stern look. I pouted my lips and he kissed my forehead.
"I gotta get you home before Z throw a fit."
"I have no clothes. I don't even have on underwear below this. I said referring to the jersey I had on.
His jaw clenched at what I said."Check in my closet. 'posed to have some female stuff in there from my cousin."
I turned around and he slapped my ass as I walked off.
"That ass is mine next time." I flicked him off and went back into his room then closet to find clothes. I found some women clothing in bags. Everything still had tags so I pulled out a blue bra and matching panties and took off the jersey before puttting them on. I found a tank top and a jean shorts so I put them on.
I walked out and saw Dre dressed and ready sitting in the bed with his phone.
"I'm ready." I said walking over to him. I saw my shoes and put them on as I walked out the house behind Dre.

We pulled into my driveway and I turned to get out but Dre pulled me back.
"So that's how we living? I can't get a kiss before you leave?" Dre asked raising his eyebrow at me.
I smiled and leaned over giving him a peck on the lips but before I could pull away he slipped his tongue into my mouth and I couldn't help but moan as I ran my hands through his waves. We pulled away breathless looking into each other's eyes.
"Bye Dre." I said biting my lip.
"Bye ma."
I got out his car and waited until it was out of site before I headed inside. I opened the door and saw Z descending down the stairs smirking.
"Morning Zae."
"Morning Teetee." He smirked. "Y'know I saw y'all nasty asses out there right."
My cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Shut up."
He started cackling and I ran up to him and smacked him upside the head causing him to stop laughing immediately.
"I was just joking. You don't need to get no altitude sis." I began laughing and he did too. Z would always mix up words just to make me laugh and it always worked.
"It's attitude Z." I said after I sobered up.
He smiled at me. "I'm heading over to this broad's crib so imma see you later." Typical Zae. Always fucking hoes and never settling down.
"A'right. Bye" I said as he left out the door.

I was laying in my bed watching House of Payne and eating a bag of chips. I had a good time with Dre and I'm glad he asked me to be his girl. I really like him and I just hope what we have is real. After watching out the whole season 3 of House of Payne I fell asleep.


I arrived at work the next day all set and ready. I clocked in and chilled in the lounge waiting for the day to begin. I was assigned to this 65 year old woman that had surgery done to replace her hip two days ago. When I went into her room and introduced my self, we instantly became friends. She's the sweetest old lady ever. Her husband passed away with cancer and she has two children. A girl and a boy but the boy died of Leukemia. She kept going on and on about her grandson and how we would be perfect for each other. I didn't want to tell her I had a boyfriend because it's not like her grandson can be allat. She said he's coming to visit her today and she'd like for me to meet him. I agreed after she begged me mercilessly. She can be very persuading too. She made me sneak in a cheese burger from Burger King for her for lunch because she couldn't stand the food the hospital gave her.
I was on my way back to her room to check on her and make sure she took her medication. When I walked into the room I didn't expect to see what I did.
"Hello dear. This is my grandson Jayce I was telling you about." Mrs. Carter said.
I looked at her grandson again and he was not what I expected him to be. He had a low hair cut with his waves in full view and a mouth watering smile. He was brown skinned and had tattoo on both arms. Before he could notice me staring I spoke up.
"Hi. It's nice to finally meet you. You're grandmother practically brags about you." I smiled extending my hand towards him.
He stared at my hand before shaking it and kissing my knuckles.
He looked at me and smiled. "The pleasure is all mine." I blushed and Mrs. Carter went into a fit of laughter.
"Jay you done made the girl blush and she only met you a minute ago."
"What can I say grams. I have that effect on ladies." He smiled at me. I looked away trying not to blush again and quickly thought about Dre and pulled away my hand.
I walked over to Mrs. Carter and handed her her medication as she took them.
"Why don't you too go out sometime. Y'know get to know each other." Mrs. Carter suggested.
"I don't think tha-" I said but got cut off.
"I think that's a great idea grams." Jayce said. I spun around so quickly I swore I got whiplash.
"Great." She smiled. I glared at Jayce and he smirked at me and shrugged. Dre is not going to like this so I know for sure I can't tell him.
"How about Thursday night at eight?" He asked.
"Can I talk to you real quick outside?" I said dragging him out of Mrs. Carter's room. "What are you doing? I can't go out with I have a boyfriend and I don't even know you. You could be a psychopathic killer for all I know." I whisper yelled.
"Then why didn't you tell my grandmother?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Because..." I trailed off.
"Exactly. Here put your number in my phone and I'll call you. We'll get to know each other over dinner. I won't take you away from him unless you want me too." He said handing his phone to me.
I rolled my eyes and reluctantly put my number in his phone and he smiled at me. I'm only doing this for Mrs. Carter.
"Now was that so hard?" I looked up at him and shook my head no. I'll just go out with him so I won't disappoint Mrs. Carter. I hope Dre doesn't find out because this would be a bad start to our relationship. I walked back into the room with Jayce behind me and smiled at Mrs. Carter.
"I'll give you two time to spend with each other. Please ensure that you get some rest Mrs. Carter." I said and she nodded.
I said my goodbyes and left the room.
For the rest of the day, I kept wondering if I should tell Dre because if he heard it from someone else he would totally flip out on me. I've seen him get mad at workers and it's not pretty.

I was sitting in the living room when I heard the door open. Zae and Alandre walked in the room with two black duffel bags. I ain't even gotta ask what's in it. I smiled at Dre and got up and went over to him. He dropped the duffel bag and grabbed my waist pulling me close to him. He looked down at me and I smiled at him.
"D man we ain't come here for y'all to fuck. We gotta mix and package this shit." I rolled my eyes at him.
"Man chill just give me a second." Zae smacked his teeth and went into the kitchen."Did you miss me?" He asked me.
"No. Why would I miss you?"
He smacked his teeth and I laughed. "Well I miss you every second I'm away from you." I blushed and he kissed my forehead. "Let me go and package this shit with Z. We'll chill later." I nodded and he let go of me and went into the kitchen. I went back to watching the Tv and waited for Dre.

Like an hour later Dre walked back into the room and he was smelling like strong weed.
"Val I can't chill I gotta make this drop with Ray and Z and handle something at the trap. I'll call you." My heart sunk a bit but I acted unfazed on the outside.
"Ok." I said dryly.
"Man don't be like that you know how shit is."
I rolled my eyes at him. "Yeah whatever." He shook his head and left out the room. I waited until they left and went upstairs to my room. It wasn't long before I fell asleep.

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