First Day Back

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(Harry's POV)
"Harry if you don't want to be late on the first day back then get your arse up." Ron said to the lump of blankets.

Harry sat up in his four poster bed. He fumbled for his glasses on his bedside table and put them on. It was the first day of their eighth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Harry was not prepared. Last year's events were still taking a toll on him. Even after Voldemort was dead he was still having nightmares. Seamus, Dean and Neville; Harry's dorm mates, had already gone down to the Great Hall. Ron was waiting on him so he dressed quickly and they headed downstairs together. Ginny and Hermione were waiting for them in the common room. Ginny was Harry's girlfriend, who also happened to be Ron's sister. Hermione was Ron's girlfriend, who Harry considered his sister. Together they all headed to the Great Hall.

Harry barely touched his food. He was spacing out, thinking about Ginny's and his relationship. They had been dating for about two years. Harry loved Ginny a lot, but lately he's been thinking that Ginny didn't feel the same anymore. He was upset and worried. It was all he had been thinking about lately.

"Harry," he felt Ginny's hand on his arm, "are you alright?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He lied.

He saw Ron and Hermione look at each other. They always knew when Harry was lying, or bending the truth. He wished they couldn't. He prepared for questions later when they were alone. He looked down at his plate and started poking around at his food with his fork.

"Bloody hell" Ron said suddenly.

Harry looked at Ron and followed his gaze. Draco Malfoy, Harry's arch nemesis since first year, had just walked into the Great Hall. He had dyed his hair a sky blue over the summer holidays.

"I think it looks good, it suits him." Hermione said, watching the boy sit down.

Ron looked at his girlfriend aghast. "Are you mental? He's Harry's arch nemesis and you say he looks good."

Hermione looked at Ron and rolled her eyes. "The war is over Ronald," she said, then, in hushed tones, "Besides didn't you hear what happened to his dad?"

"What do you mean?" Harry and Ron said together.

Hermione looked at them. "Honestly, have you two even looked at a paper?" She sighed heavily. "His dad has been put in Azkaban. They say that tomorrow they're going to perform the Dementor's kiss on him." She said in hushed tones.

"Well he deserves it, siding with You-Know-Who." Ron said, starting to stuff his face again.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "I feel sorry for Draco. After all he's been through already." She said.

Ron could not reply to Hermione due to the fact that he had choked at her words. Harry patted him on the back to help him. Once Ron had stopped coughing Harry stopped patting him He looked over at the Slytherin table and looked at the now blue haired boy. He hated to admit it, but he felt sorry for the boy as well.

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(Draco's POV)
Draco walked into the Great Hall and headed to the Slytherin table. He had dyed his hair sky blue over the summer holidays, he had been wanting to do it for years, and he was hoping not to draw attention, although that was impossible to ask for. He quickly sat down across from Blaise and Pansy. As usual he looked over at the Gryffindor table and it didn't take him long to spot the untidy jet black hair he was looking for. Harry Potter was talking to his friends. It looked to Draco as if it was important because they were all leaning in close to each other. He averted his eyes and looked at Blaise and Pansy, who were staring at his hair in awe. He cleared his throat and they stopped staring.

"Draco, it looks good but may I ask why you did it?" Pansy asked, looking at him.

"I've been wanting to do it for years." He replied.

"Well you pulled it off, it looks good." Blaise said.

Draco nodded in response and looked over at the Gryffindor table once again. They were still deep in conversation. Draco found himself wishing he was at the Gryffindor table, next to Harry.


(Harry's POV)
"You'd think they wanted us to die." Ron huffed as he started yet another essay assignment.

They had been back for a month and the professors were hitting them hard with work assignments. Harry looked down at his barely started essay. He was having trouble concentrating. He had been thinking about Ginny and him again. It had gotten worse over the past month. She rarely showed any affection toward him and she had been hanging out with him less and less. Giving up on finishing his essay tonight he started putting his things away.

"What are you doing Harry, you've barely started your essay?" Hermione asked as she watched him.

"I've got a free period tomorrow I'll work on it then." He said. "G'night" he said and went upstairs. Once he got to the dormitory he put pyjamas on and took his glasses off. He collapsed on his four poster and ran his hands through his hair. This Ginny thing was seriously messing with him. With his mind racing, he fell into a restless sleep.


(Draco's POV) TW: Suicide
Draco was sitting in his usual chair by the fireplace in the Slytherin common room. He was staring into the fire, thinking, when his thoughts were interrupted.

"Draco what's that on your wrist?" Pansy asked.

Draco pulled his sleeve down quickly and stood up abruptly. "It's nothing." He said before going upstairs to the dormitory. He sat down on his four poster and sighed.

That was too close.

What Pansy had seen was a healing cut, a bad one. It started below his elbow and reached to his wrist. He had tried killing himself over the summer, but his mother got to him before he died. He had just wanted all the pain to end. The pain of knowing that he loved Harry and that he didn't have a chance with him. The pain of killing Dumbledore and all he had went through that year. He hadn't wanted to do it. He was forced to. He had to, or Voldemort would've killed him and his family. Not that it made a difference now, his dad was in Azkaban now. Sadness rushed over him and he held back tears. They were going to perform the Dementor's kiss tomorrow, his dad would be gone. Draco couldn't stop himself, he started crying silently. His father might be stern and fierce but Draco still loved him. Draco couldn't help to think it was his fault. He started crying more. He eventually fell into a restless sleep filled with nightmares.

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