Trouble In Paradise

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(Harry's POV)
Harry and Draco stayed in the Room of Requirement until 10 minutes before curfew.

"We should probably go before we both get detentions." Harry said, looking up at Draco through his eyelashes. He was lying on top of Draco with his head on the boy's chest.

"It'd be more time to spend with you." Draco mumbled, smiling. He had his eyes closed and was laying his head on the armrest of the couch.

Harry's heart leapt as he saw Draco smile. "As fun as that sounds we would both get in trouble by our teammates if we missed Quidditch practice."

Draco opened his eyes and looked at Harry. "Good point," he said.

Harry got off of Draco and the other boy stood as well. Harry stepped closer and Draco wrapped his arms around Harry's waist. Harry could feel himself tingle all over at his boyfriend's touch. He stood on his tip-toes and kissed Draco gently. Draco kissed back and pulled Harry closer. Draco flicked his tongue against Harry's lips, asking for entrance, and Harry obliged. Both boys fought for dominance, but Draco won. Draco began exploring Harry's mouth with his tongue until Harry decided to take over. After a couple minutes they pulled apart and both boys were smiling, and blushing, slightly.

"I'll see you tomorrow Draco." Harry said smiling widely and walked out of the Room of Requirement.

Harry practically skipped to the Gryffindor common room and found Ron and Hermione still up waiting for him, naturally. He flopped on a chair and as he did he realized how tired he really was. He noticed Ron and Hermione looking at him.

"Sooo how was it?" Hermione asked, watching him.

"It was pretty good." Harry said, smiling.

"So you didn't make a fool of yourself?" Ron asked.

"Er no," Harry said, looking at Ron.

"Told you," Hermione said, looking at Harry still.

Harry smiled. "I shouldn't have been so worried," he said.

"I knew you were going to be okay. You always are." Hermione said.

Harry nodded, but he had only been half paying attention because he was half asleep and drowsy.

"I'm going up to bed, g'night." Harry said as he stood up and walked up the stairs to the dormitory.

Once there he put on pyjamas, took off his glasses, and laid down in his four poster. Thoughts of Draco instantly filled his head, not that they had ever left, and he found himself wishing it was tomorrow so he could see Draco again. He quickly fell into a peaceful sleep.


(Draco's POV)
Draco and Harry stayed in the Room of Requirement until almost past curfew.

"We should probably go before we both get detentions." Harry said.

"It'd be more time to spend with you." Draco mumbled, smiling. He had his eyes closed and was laying his head on the armrest of the couch.

"As fun as that sounds we would both get in trouble by our teammates if we missed Quidditch practice." Harry said.

Draco opened his eyes. Harry had a point. Flint would be pissed if he missed practice. "Good point," he said.

Harry got off of Draco and Draco stood up as well. Harry stepped closer to him and Draco wrapped his arms around the boy's waist. Harry kissed Draco gently. Draco kissed him back and pulled the boy closer. He flicked his tongue against Harry's lips, his silent way of asking for entrance. Harry let Draco in and both boys fought for dominance until finally Draco won. Draco began exploring Harry's mouth until Harry took over and did the same. After a few minutes they pulled apart. Both boys smiling and blushing.

"I'll see you tomorrow Draco," Harry said. Draco watched the boy leave then headed to the Slytherin common room, smiling the whole way.

Once there he found Blaise and Pansy awake, just like he thought. He sat down in his usual chair.

"How'd it go mate?" Blaise asked as soon as Draco sat down.

"It went well," Draco said.

"Didn't embarrass yourself did you?" Blaise asked, smirking.

"Blaise!" Pansy said. "I'm sure he was just fine," she said.

Draco was not listening to this conversation, he was too drowsy.

"I'm headed to bed, g'night," he said and went up to the dormitories.

He put on his pyjamas and laid in bed.  All he could do was picture Harry. It took him a few minutes but he finally fell into a peaceful sleep.


(Harry's POV)
The next morning Harry woke up to find he was almost late for his first lesson. He got up quickly and started getting dressed. He looked over at Ron's bed and saw his best friend was already gone.

Why didn't he bloody wake me up!?

Usually Ron and himself had each other's backs. Harry almost fell on his face as he pulled on his jeans and it took him an unusually long amount of time to realize he was trying to put his right shoe on his left foot. When he was finally dressed he took off down the stairs and was halfway out the portrait when he realized he hadn't grabbed his bag and sprinted up the stairs two at a time to grab it. His first lesson was Trelawney's, which was across the school and up the tallest tower in the castle. Harry sprinted as fast as he could but realized even if he did run he would never make it in time and he already had a stitch in his side after he was halfway there. He started walking instead and was trying very hard to catch his breath.

He turned the corner that lead to the tower and instantly ran into someone.

"Watch where you're going!" He said, frustrated.

"Maybe if you weren't blind you would've seen me Potter."

Harry looked up and groaned inwardly. It was Pansy Parkinson. She was sneering at him.

"Maybe if you were looking where you were going instead of daydreaming about Draco you would've seen me." Harry snapped back.

Pansy opened her mouth to answer back when her mouth snapped shut. Harry looked at her and saw she was looking behind him. He started to turn to look when she grabbed his face and smashed his lips with hers. Harry was so shocked that he didn't move for a few seconds. Then he pushed her away roughly and wiped his mouth with his robe sleeve, disgusted.

"What the bloody hell are you playing at Parkinson?" He said angrily.

"I haven't been daydreaming about Draco. I've been daydreaming about you Harry," she said silkily and quickly walked away and turned the corner. Harry stared after her and shook his head.

What the bloody hell was that about?

Harry turned and walked up to Trelawney's classroom.


(Draco's POV)
Draco woke up late the next morning and cursed himself for sleeping in. He opened the curtains on his four poster and saw Blaise was gone already, a long with the rest of his dorm mates. Of course none of them woke him up. He always had the curtains on his bed closed. He cursed himself again and got out of bed. Trelawney's was not that far away so he didn't necessarily have to rush. He got dressed and headed towards the tower.

Once Draco got to the corner leading up to Trelawney's he heard voices. He slowed his walk and saw Harry and Pansy talking ahead. He smiled. Maybe they were making friends for once, since Harry and himself were dating now. Then he saw them kissing. Tears instantly sprung up in Draco's eyes. Draco didn't wait around. He didn't need to watch his so-called boyfriend kissing somebody else. He turned around and ran as fast as he could. Tears streaming down his face.

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