Guitars and Questions

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(Harry's POV)
Harry woke up the next morning happier than he had been since he broke up with Ginny. He cringed slightly. If he was honest with himself he wasn't really upset about her anymore. Sure it hurt when he saw her with other guys but at least he didn't get mad and jealous anymore. Harry got dressed and went down to breakfast. As he walked into the Great Hall he glanced at the Slytherin table and spotted the blue haired boy watching him. He shot Draco a smile and smirked when the other boy blushed and turned around to face his friends. Harry sat down across from Ron and Hermione, then he looked up and noticed Hermione. She was staring at him in a sort of dazed manner, the face she made when she was thinking hard, trying to figure something out. He noticed though, that she had no books or parchment. So what was she thinking about?

Oh bloody hell. Did she see me? Was she on to me? Is that what she's thinking about?

Harry tried to hide his worry and he stacked his plate with food, Ron was already on his second plate.

"Why does Malfoy keep looking over here?" Ron asked suddenly, startling Harry.

Harry glanced at the Slytherin table and saw Draco looking over at him. Harry resisted the urge to smirk, or smile, at Draco. Instead he shrugged.

"When isn't he looking at me?" Harry said. Usually Harry would have said some snide remark after this but Ron didn't notice.

"Fair point mate." Ron said and started on his third plate. Harry looked at him wildly. How can he eat so much? Harry continued eating. Hermione had not said a word, she had only looked over at Draco when Ron said that. Harry was worried now. He knew Hermione would probably figure it out by the end of the day.


(Draco's POV)
Draco woke up well rested. He had slept better than he had in a while. He had dreamt about Harry, to be more exact he dreamt of Harry and himself being together as a couple. Draco started thinking as he got dressed. He had to admit he did want that. But would Harry?

I know he likes me but would he date me?

After all, they were supposed to be enemies. Draco sighed. He really liked Harry, and he did want to date him. Maybe he would just ask Harry out. Draco made his way down to the Great Hall and sat down across from Blaise and Pansy. Draco looked at the door and saw Harry. The boy looked at Draco and smiled and Draco couldn't help but blush and he quickly turned around, noticing the smirk on Harry's face. Curse Harry for making him feel this way. He felt himself blushing still and noticed Blaise looking at him, watching him.

Damn, he noticed. Leave it to Blaise...

Draco started sipping water to try and hide his blush. Eventually the blush faded and he set down his cup. He felt his eyes being drawn to the Gryffindor table and tried to resist the urge to look. He failed miserably, every few seconds he found himself glancing at Harry. At one point the boy glanced back at him and Draco resisted the urge to smile at him. He noticed Weasel and Mudblood glancing at him and realized they had noticed too. Damn. Draco managed not to look at Harry again.

"Mate why do you keep looking over at Potter?" Blaise said, startling Draco slightly.

Draco blushed. Cursing himself for being so obvious.

"That's none of your business Zabini." Draco growled. Of course, this had no affect on Blaise, who was not in the slightest bit afraid of Draco. Blaise smirked and picked up his water as if to drink it, but didn't. Draco realized he was hiding his face so Pansy would not notice him speaking.

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