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Note: the purpose of Amortentia is different in this story than it is in J.K. Rowling's

(Harry's POV)
"Harry pay attention." Hermione hissed under her breath.

Harry looked at Hermione and sighed. They were in Potions but he had not been paying attention. He had been spaced out thinking about Ginny and him again. He shook his head as if to get rid of the thoughts and listened to Professor Slughorn.

"Now, this particular concoction is called Amortentia," he said, referring to a small cauldron in which a potion sat, wisps of smoke could be seen coming out of it. "Can anybody tell me this concoction's purpose?"

Hermione's hand shot up before the professor even finished his question. Harry could see Ron glare at Hermione.

"Ah, Granger yes," professor Slughorn said.

"Whoever smells Amortentia smells that of his/her soulmate. The potion is never wrong. If you smell something then it is made correctly. However, if you smell nothing it means that the potion was made incorrectly."

"Very good Granger, 10 points to Gryffindor. Now, who wants to come up and tell the class what they smell?"

Nobody volunteered.

"Harry m'boy come up and tell us." Professor Slughorn said, looking at Harry.

Harry sighed and reluctantly walked to the potion. Announcing the smell of his soulmate in front of his fellow Gryffindor's and not to mention the Slytherins, was the last thing he wanted to do. Luckily, he knew that it would smell like Ginny. He put his face closer and breathed in.

Smells like...firewood...and was gel...and potions...

Harry didn't know what that was but the only way he could explain it was "potions." It smelled like a potions classroom.

That's not Ginny...that's... Harry thought for a few seconds.'ve got to be kidding...

Thinking quickly Harry decided to lie. "It smells like cinnamon, strawberries, and mint." He said, thinking of what Ginny's room smelled like at the Burrow, her shampoo, and her toothpaste.

"Very good very good indeed. You may sit Harry m'boy."

Harry went and sat back down, Hermione was smiling at him, knowingly. Harry ignored her and started thinking.

Malfoy, it smelled like Malfoy, but that couldn't be right. It had to be wrong. Wait 'Mione said the potion was never wrong if it had a scent to it. Bloody hell. My soulmate is Malfoy.


(Draco's POV)
Draco was sitting in Potions absently staring at his blank parchment. He was only partly listening to Professor Slughorn, that is, until he heard Harry's name. He started listening but only watched Harry out of the corner of his eye. Draco immediately recognized the smoke coming from the cauldron, Amortentia.

This'll be interesting.

Draco watched Harry lean closer and smell the potion. Harry looked confused. It took a couple minutes before Harry said anything out loud.

"It smells like cinnamon, strawberries, and mint," the black haired boy said.

Draco scowled. Of course it was the Weasley girl. He shouldn't have expected anything different. But even then Draco couldn't help to wish it would've been him Harry had smelled.

"Okay class, I want half a parchment on how to correctly make Amortentia by next lesson." Professor Slughorn said right before the bell rang.

Draco gathered his things quickly and started walking out the door, that is until he got by the Amortentia. He slowed his walk and smelled the potion without anybody noticing.

Smells like...broom polish...freshly mowed grass...and...rain?...huh reminds me of Potter...wait...Potter. Potter is my soulmate...

Draco smirked to himself. After all, Amortentia is never wrong.

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