Going Public

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(Harry's POV)
Harry woke up the next morning bouncing with joy. He walked up to Ron's four poster and shook the bundle of blankets awake. Harry heard distinct mumbling and was sure Ron was cussing at him. Ron lifted his head up and looked at Harry.

"Get up Ron," Harry said.

"It's Monday why are you so happy?" Ron asked Harry, "Wait nevermind I already know," he said groaning and getting out of bed.

Harry smiled a little and started getting dressed. Once Ron and himself were both ready they went downstairs to meet with Hermione in the common room. Harry practically bounded down the stairs and not even seeing Ginny and Dean making out on the couch dampened his mood.

They had gotten halfway to the Great Hall when a familiar voice made Harry look back.

"Hey Harry, wait up," Draco yelled across the corridor. Harry smiled and stopped.

He looked at Ron and Hermione who had stopped after he did. "You two can go on," he told them. They nodded and Harry saw Hermione smile before they waved and went off to the Great Hall. Harry shook his head and turned around to watch the Slytherin. When they were level Harry started walking with him.

"Hey," Draco said, smiling.

"Hey," Harry said.

"Have you told your friends?" Draco asked, looking at Harry.

"Yup," Harry said.

"Good that means I can do this," Draco said, grabbing Harry's hand and latching it with his. Harry smiled, Draco's hands were softer than what you would think they are.

"I could get used to this," Harry said, smiling.

"Me too," Draco said, smiling, "so do you want to walk into the Great Hall holding hands or is it too soon?" The boy asked.

Harry noticed that they were almost to the Great Hall. He only had to think for a second. "I don't care if you don't," he said, looking at Draco. The other boy smiled and squeezed Harry's hand slightly.

"I don't care one bit," Draco said.

Harry smiled and they made they're way into the Great Hall. Harry noticed people starting to look up and stare at them but he didn't care. He loved Draco and no amount of stares or whisperings would change that.

"I'll talk to you later," Harry said, letting go of Draco's hand. Draco smiled at him and nodded.

"I'll talk to you later Harry," Draco said and they separated and sat down at their house tables.

Harry sat down across from Ron and Hermione and noticed he was getting looks from the other Gryffindor's, and most of the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. Harry ignored them and began piling his plate with food.

"That was pretty brave mate," Ron said, looking at Harry.

Harry shrugged. "They were going to find out eventually, we weren't gonna keep it a secret forever."

"I thought it was cute," Hermione said, looking at Ron as he had started stuffing his face again. "How do you eat so much?" She asked.

Ron shrugged and continued stuffing his face. Harry couldn't help but chuckle a little and began eating. He glanced at the Slytherin table a few times but was completely oblivious to the stares and whispers he was getting.


(Draco's POV)
Draco woke up a bit late Monday morning. He had stayed up late last night thinking of Harry. He got dressed quickly and headed towards the Great Hall. He was halfway to the Great Hall when he saw a familiar head of jet black hair in front of him.

"Hey Harry, wait up," he yelled and the other boy stopped. Harry must have told his friends to go on without him because they stopped for a few seconds before heading to the Great Hall again. When he had caught up with Harry they started walking together.

"Hey," Draco said, smiling.

"Hey," Harry said back.

"Have you told your friends?" He asked, looking at Harry.

"Yup," Harry said.

"Good that means I can do this," Draco said, grabbing Harry's hand and latching it with his. Harry's hands were rough but it didn't bother Draco.

"I could get used to this," Harry said.

"Me too," Draco said, smiling, "so do you want to walk into the Great Hall holding hands or is it too soon?" He asked.

"I don't care if you don't," Harry said, looking at Draco. Draco smiled and squeezed Harry's hand slightly.

"I don't care one bit," Draco said. He saw Harry smile and his heart skipped a beat. They made they're way into the Great Hall and Draco barely noticed the stares they were getting. No matter how much hate Harry and him were probably going to get he didn't care. He loved Harry.

"I'll talk to you later," Harry said and the boy let go of his hand, much to Draco's disappointment. He smiled and nodded.

"I'll talk to you later Harry," Draco said and they went separate ways.

Draco sat down across from Blaise and Pansy. He noticed that Blaise was smirking and Pansy was smiling wide.

"You two are so cute together." Pansy said, smiling at Draco.

"That was brave of you to walk in together holding hands." Blaise said, smirking.

Draco smiled slightly. "Better now then later," he said, shrugging. Draco couldn't help but keep glancing at the Gryffindor table once in a while, not even aware of the hateful stares he was getting by most of the Slytherins.

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