New Bonds

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(Harry's POV)
Harry realized that he had been crying into Malfoy's shoulder for more than 30 minutes now. Slowly, he regained his composure and sat up. He looked around and realized they were in the Room of Requirement. Then Harry looked at Malfoy and grimaced. Malfoy's shirt was tear soaked where Harry had been crying into his shoulder.

"Er sorry about that," he said motioning to the blue haired boys shirt.

Malfoy glanced down and waved his hand, as if to dismiss it. "It's okay, just a shirt," he said. Harry noticed that while Malfoy's voice was cold, there were no signs of malice. Then Harry realized something.

"Er why were you in here?" He asked timidly, he had never had a civil conversation with Malfoy.

"I wanted to be alone for a while," Malfoy said.

"Oh." Harry said, looking around now. He noticed that the decorations in the room were both Gryffindor and Slytherin colors. As he looked at the ceiling his eyes widened and his jaw dropped in awe. The ceiling showed a starry night. As he looked around he saw the windows, or what he supposed were windows. They showed a forest, lush and green, and Harry gazed in awe at it.

"Wow," he said.

"Yeah I know." The other boy said and Harry looked at him. The blue haired boy was smiling. Harry's heart skipped a beat. He had never seen Malfoy smile. It wasn't a smile that Harry had ever seen on Malfoy. It was a wide, toothy smile and it was the kind that made the people who saw it want to smile too.

"I love this place," Malfoy said, looking at the windows, "watch," Malfoy said and motioned to the windows. Harry looked at the windows once again and his jaw dropped when the forest changed to a open field. He stared in awe at it for a minute before turning and looking at Malfoy.

"You can change it at will?" He asked.

"Yes, although I only discovered that my third year." Malfoy said.

"You've been coming here since third year?" He asked Malfoy, looking at the boy.

"First actually, my father told me about it." Malfoy said.

"Oh." He said.

"How long have you came here?" Malfoy asked Harry, he noticed Malfoy was looking at him now.

"Fifth year, when we used it for Dumbledore's Army." He answered, remembering that Malfoy had a part in taking them down.

"Oh, I thought you were using it before then." Malfoy said, staring at the star strewn ceiling.

"No, why do you come here anyway?" Harry asked, he realized that it was actually quite easy to talk to Malfoy.

"Mostly to get away from Pansy," the boy said, still staring at the ceiling, "but I also come here if I want to be alone, or if I want to study in private."

"Oh." Harry said.

"Er, do you mind me asking how you figured out about Ginny and Dean?" Malfoy said quietly.

Harry grimaced, the image of Ginny and Dean swimming in his mind again.

"Well, I left dinner early and went to the Gryffindor common room and when I walked in they were, er, on the couch making out," he said, wondering why in the world he was telling Malfoy this, of all people.

He looked at Malfoy and the boy looked furious. But the next second Malfoy's face was stone as always. He must've imagined it.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Malfoy said.

Harry nodded, frowning. It hurt thinking about it again.

"Er, I should probably go." He said, standing up.

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