How Long?

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(Harry's POV)
Harry had met with Draco after breakfast and asked if he wanted to meet in the room of Requirement after dinner. Harry's heart had skipped a beat when Draco had said yes. He was excited. It would be the first time Draco and himself would hang out since they had started dating. Harry smiled to himself. Ron, Hermione, and him were headed to the Great Hall for dinner now. It wouldn't be long now.

They sat down at the Gryffindor table but Harry didn't touch his food. He was too nervous. What if he made a fool of himself? What if he said something totally embarrassing?

"You alright mate?" Ron asked Harry. Harry noticed that both Ron and Hermione were looking at him.

"Fine," Harry managed to say in a choked voice.

Hermione raised her eyebrow. Harry saw this.

"Just nervous," Harry said quickly.

Hermione looked as if she just realized something. "I completely forgot. You're hanging out with Draco after dinner aren't you?" She asked.

Harry blushed lightly. "Yeah, I'm a bit nervous is all."

"Just be yourself Harry. You'll be okay." Hermione said smiling at him.

Harry smiled at her. "Thanks," he said, then looked back down at his plate. He felt butterflies in his stomach and wondered if Draco was as nervous as he was. He looked up at Draco and saw that the boy didn't have a plate in front of him, just an apple in his hand.

So Draco's nervous too, unless he just doesn't eat much.

Harry sighed as he realized dinner was over and he went to meet Draco outside the Room of Requirement. He got there first, much to his surprise. Draco was usually the punctual one. He went ahead and went inside only to find that he was not the first one there. Draco was sitting on a couch by a fireplace. Harry looked around and realized the room looked the same as it did when Draco and him had first became friends in here.

When Draco heard Harry come in he turned and smiled at him.

Harry smiled back. "Hi," he said as he walked to the couch.

"Hey," Draco said, watching Harry.

Harry smiled and stood in front of the couch. He was unsure of how close Draco would let him get now that they were dating. Harry wanted to be as close as he could be. Draco apparently knew what Harry was thinking because he opened his arms. "Come here," Draco said, smiling.

Harry's heart skipped a beat and he laid on the couch with Draco. He felt Draco put his arms around him and fireworks exploded in Harry.

"I could get used to this," Draco said.

"Me too," Harry said, smiling.

Harry lifted his head up and looked at Draco. Draco looked at him and smiled and Harry couldn't help himself. He leaned in and kissed Draco. His heart sped up and he leaned in closer. They held the kiss for a minute before separating. Harry laid his head on Draco's chest.

He felt Draco sigh and Harry smiled. Harry started thinking. Draco had said that he had liked Harry for a while now, but Harry was curious. He wanted to know exactly when.

"Draco," Harry began.

"Hmm," Draco mumbled in response.

"When did you start liking me?" He asked.

Draco was silent for a few seconds. "During our fourth year, when I saw you fighting a bloody dragon, I realized how the thought of you dying terrified me," Draco said.

Harry looked at Draco. "Really?" He asked.

"Really," Draco said.

Harry smiled then thought for a second. "I'd have to say that terrifies me too," Harry said.

"You dying or me dying?" Draco asked, jokingly.

"Me dying of course," Harry said, smiling. Then he nudged Draco. "I'm kidding, the thought of you dying terrifies me way more," Harry said, smiling at Draco. Draco smiled and Harry laid his head on the boy's chest again. Draco wrapped his arms around him. Harry couldn't help but feel at home.


(Draco's POV)
Draco was very nervous. Harry had asked him after breakfast if he had wanted to hang out after dinner. Of course Draco had said yes. They were going to meet at the Room of Requirement. It was already dinner. Draco was sitting in his usual spot across from Blaise and Pansy. He couldn't bring himself to eat anything. He had an apple but he hadn't ate it. He felt like he was going to hurl on the spot if he did. He looked over at Harry at the Gryffindor table and saw that he wasn't eating, just staring at his plate.

He must be nervous too.

Draco's heart sped up when he realized dinner was over. He got up quickly and headed to the Room of Requirement. He tried not to hurl as he got closer. He was the first one there and went in before Harry got there so he could try to calm himself down. He smiled as he saw the room was the exact same as it was when Harry and him first became friends.

Draco sat down on the couch by the fireplace. Moments later he heard the door open and he turned and smiled as he saw Harry.

Harry smiled back. "Hi," he said and Draco watched as he walked over to the couch.

"Hey," he said. Harry walked to the front of the couch and stood there. Draco suddenly felt nervous again. He wondered how close Harry would want to get. He noticed Harry was looking at the couch and Draco knew that the boy was thinking the same thing he was. Draco held out his arms, inviting the boy in. "Come here," he said, smiling.

Harry laid down and Draco wrapped his arms around the boy. Draco felt fireworks explode inside him.

"I could get used to this," he said.

"Me too," Harry said. Then the boy lifted his head and looked at Draco. Draco looked at him and smiled. Then Harry leaned in and kissed him and Draco's heart went haywire. He leaned in to the kiss and was disappointed when they broke apart a minute later. Harry laid his head on his chest and Draco sighed. They laid there for a few seconds until Harry broke the silence.

"Draco," Harry said.

"Hmm," Draco mumbled.

"When did you start liking me?" Harry asked.

Draco was not expecting that. He thought for a few seconds. Of course he already knew the answer. He might as well tell Harry. They were dating now after all.

"During our fourth year, when I saw you fighting a bloody dragon, I realized how the thought of you dying terrified me," he said.

Harry looked at Draco. "Really?" Harry asked.

"Really," he said.

Harry smiled and Draco's heart skipped a beat. He loved that smile.

"I'd have to say that terrifies me too," Harry said.

"You dying or me dying?" Draco said, jokingly.

"Me dying of course," Harry said, then he nudged Draco. "I'm kidding, the thought of you dying terrifies me way more," Harry said, smiling at Draco. Draco smiled back and Harry laid his head on Draco's chest again. Draco wrapped his arms around Harry again. Draco smiled to himself. He never wanted to leave. He felt at home with Harry, he felt safe with Harry.

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