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(Harry's POV)
Draco was still crying in Harry's arms after 40 minutes. Draco sat up wiping his eyes and looked at Harry.

"Harry I'm really sorry..I should've went straight to you and talked about it...and I could've hurt you...I'm so sorry." Draco said through tears.

Harry took his boyfriend's face in his hands and wiped away the boys tears.

"Hush Draco. It's my fault. I should've known," he paused, thinking. "Draco I hope you know I would never in a million years even think about hurting you. In any way at all. I would never ever cheat on you."

"I know...i just...i just overreacted." Draco sniffled. He reached up and grabbed Harry's hands, which were still holding Draco's face, and that's when Harry saw them.

"Dr..Draco..." he said and grabbed Draco's arms. Draco must have realized what Harry was doing because the boy tried pulling back but Harry was too strong. He pulled Draco's robe sleeves up and saw them. Cuts. Fresh cuts, along with old ones too. Harry tried not to cry and looked at Draco, who had tears in his eyes.

"Draco...why?" He asked, looking into his boyfriend's grey eyes.

"I...because of my father and Dumbledore and last year and my bloody Dark Mark and..." Draco had paused and Harry noticed he was freely crying again. "Becuase of you...." Draco finished.

Guilt washed over Harry like a waterfall. His boyfriend, the one person he loved more than anything had cut himself because of him. Tears sprung up in Harry's eyes before he could stop them.

"Draco I'm so so so sorry. I'm terrible. I should've realized. I'm so stupid. How long have you been doing this? Draco this isn't the answer." He said, stumbling over his words a little.

"Harry please don't blame yourself, please. I...I've only done it twice. I promise." Draco said crying.

Harry looked at Draco's arms, which were still in his hands. There were 14 cuts at least. Then Harry noticed a scar, well the beginning of a scar that started at Draco's elbow and reached his Dark Mark. Harry ran his finger over it gently.

"What about this one?" He asked quietly.

"I...over the summer I tried to kill myself. Bleed out. But my mother got to me first and I survived." Draco said.

Harry looked up at his boyfriend who was crying even more and Harry started crying.

"Why Draco?" Harry said, watching his boyfriend.

Draco looked at Harry. "Because of you..." Draco paused and looked down. "And last year. I was so guilty and upset and I hated myself. And I was so in love with you for so long and I thought that you were straight and I thought I would never in a million years be your boyfriend." Draco finished.

Harry started crying more. Not only did his boyfriend cut becuase of him but he also tried to kill himself.

"Draco I'm so fucking sorry. I...just please don't ever ever do this again. Please. I don't want you doing this to yourself. I don't want you hurting." He said.

"I won't." Draco said.

Harry finally let go of the boy's arms and wiped away his tears. He looked into those grey eyes.

"You promise?" Harry asked. He knew he sounded like he was five years old but he needed to hear Draco say it.

"I promise you Harry." Draco said, looking at Harry.

Harry smiled weakly and kissed his boyfriend.

"Give me your hands." He said to the blue haired boy.

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