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TRIGGER WARNING: Self-Harm! I will warn you guys when we come to this part in the chapter but it's soon.

(Draco's POV)
Tears poured down Draco's cheeks before he could stop them but he didn't care. He was heartbroken and hurt more than he'd ever been before. He sprinted to the Room of Requirement because it was closer. He collapsed on the bed that was there and cried for hours.

How could Harry do this to him? Draco thought Harry loved him. He thought Harry cared. Obviously he was wrong, Draco sneered angrily and looked up to see a door that had never been there before. Draco forgot about what he had seen and stood up to investigate.

Here's where the trigger warning will start. If you do not wish to read this please skip. I will tell you guys when it's okay to read again.

Draco opened the door to find a small bathroom. There was a bathtub, toilet, sink, and medicine cabinet. Draco looked at this for a few seconds before opening it. Inside there was bandages and band-aids. Along with some bottles of potions that were meant for healing. Then he saw them. Razors. Suddenly Draco got the urge to cut himself. To harm himself. He could think about the physical pain instead of the emotional. He could distract himself. He grabbed a razor and sat on the edge of the bathtub. He rolled up his left sleeve and put the blade to his skin. Resting it lightly there.

Harry and Pansy kissing...cut.
His father...cut.
His Dark Mark...cut.
His mother...cut.

Each cut got deeper but Draco never felt the pain. Once he was done he stared down at his wrist, blood slowly trickling down his arm and hand. He knew they would heal eventually. For now he would hide them like he had been hiding his scar. Tears sprang up in his eyes again. He couldn't believe what he had just seen. Why would Harry do this to him? Why? Draco looked at the floor and realized that blood was all over the floor. He stood up and cleaned the cuts. Then he looked at the floor and took out his wand.

"Scorgify," he said, his voice thick from crying.

He left the bathroom and sat on the bed until the cuts stopped bleeding.

For those of you who skipped the trigger warning part you can continue now.

Once Draco was ready he left the Room of Requirement and headed for the Slytherin common room. Once there he went straight to the dorm and got into pyjamas. He laid in his four poster and shut the curtains before putting a silencing charm around the bed. Once he had done this he proceeded to cry freely. This hurt more than anything Draco had ever known. All he could picture was Harry and Pansy kissing. Draco did not get any sleep that night.


(Harry's POV)
Harry was worried. He had made it up to Trelawney's in time but Draco was late. He hadn't shown up to any of the classes they had together all day and Harry was seriously worried. After dinner, when Draco hadn't shown up, Harry decided to go to the Room of Requirement to see if Draco was there.

Once he got to the corridor he looked around but didn't see Draco so he went in. He looked around and didn't see Draco so he left. The only other place he could think of would be the library so Harry went there. After looking everywhere in the library for his boyfriend he gave up and went to the Gryffindor common room. The only other place Draco would probably be would be the Slytherin common room and seeing as Harry wouldn't be allowed in there he didn't bother to go and see.

"Bravery," he muttered to the Fat Lady and he entered the common room. Ron and Hermione were sitting on the couch by the fireplace. Harry sat down on the chair and stared into the fire.

"Harry, what's wrong?" Hermione asked timidly.

Harry looked up at her and saw that both his best friends were staring at him.

"I'm just worried about Draco. He missed his classes today. And when I went to the usual places he's at he wasn't there. I'm beginning to worry." He said.

They were both quiet. Hermione looked as if she was thinking very hard. Ron was staring into the fireplace then he looked at Harry.

"Hmm I don't know Harry. I'm sure he's okay though." Hermione said.

Harry shrugged. "I hope so." Harry said. "I'm going to bed. G'night." He said and went up to the dorm. Once there he put pyjamas on and took his glasses off. He laid in his four poster and thoughts about where Draco could have been all day swirled in his head. What if he was cheating on me? What if he was hurt? What if something bad happened? Harry did not sleep a wink that night.

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