Secrets Revealed

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(Draco's POV)
Draco didn't know how long he stayed in Harry's arms crying, but he felt safe and comfortable. Eventually he stopped crying and sat up. He looked at Harry and saw the boy watching him.

"It wasn't your fault you know?" Harry said.

Draco looked down at his hands. "But it is, none of this would have happened if I would've done what i was supposed to last year..." he said, trying not to cry again.

"Malfoy, even if you did what you were supposed to it still would have happened." Harry said.

Draco thought for a few seconds. He supposed Harry was right. His father had been a death eater, no matter what. The Ministry would have done it anyway.

"I guess you're right," Draco said.

"I know I'm right." Harry said.

Draco smiled at Harry and Harry smiled back. Then a thought occured to Draco and he looked down at his hands.

He had kissed me...does that mean he likes me?

"Why did you kiss me?" He asked, looking up at Harry.

Harry was silent for a few seconds. "I couldn't help myself." The boy said.

Draco looked at Harry. "So you like me?" He asked, smirking slightly.

"I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't." The boy shrugged as if it were obvious then looked at Draco. "But do you like me too?"

Draco blushed.

"I'll take that as a yes," Harry said, smiling.

Draco smiled. Harry suddenly jumped up.

"It's almost past curfew I have to get back." Harry said as he headed towards the door.

Draco rushed to Harry and grabbed the boys wrist. He spun Harry around so the other boy faced him, only inches apart. Draco smirked at the violent blush on Harry's face. He put one hand on Harry's waist then took Harry's face in his other and kissed him gently. Fireworks exploded inside him. Harry kissed back and Draco melted in the kiss again. After a minute the boys broke apart. Both of them were smiling.

"Thank you Harry." Draco said and blushed as he realized what he had said.

Harry, however, smiled at the boy. "You're welcome Draco," the boy said and kissed Draco briefly before turning and leaving. Draco's heart had skipped a beat when Harry had said his name and he watched the boy leave.

Draco stood frozen in the doorway of the Room of Requirement.

I just kissed Harry Potter...twice. Three if you count that last peck...

Draco smiled wide and headed to the Slytherin common room. Once there he kept as quiet as he could. Everyone else was already in bed. He got into his black silk pyjamas and laid down on his four poster. That night, Draco slept better then he had in two years.


(Harry's POV)
Malfoy had been in Harry's arms for about an hour now. If it was anyone else he would've left 40 minutes ago, but this was Malfoy. Harry was actually enjoying it. Malfoy sat up and looked at Harry.

"It wasn't your fault you know?" He said to the boy. Malfoy looked down at his hands.

"But it is, none of this would have happened if I would've done what i was supposed to last year..." Malfoy said.

"Malfoy, even if you did what you were supposed to it still would have happened." Harry said. After all, Lucius was a Death Eater no matter what Malfoy did. It would have happened in the end, or somebody would have killed him.

"I guess you're right." Malfoy said.

"I know I'm right." Harry said. He was trying to get the boy to cheer up and was glad when Malfoy looked at him and smiled, Harry smiled back. Then Malfoy looked down at his hands.

"Why did you kiss me?" Malfoy asked, looking at Harry again. Harry shrugged, trying to be nonchalant.

Harry thought for a few seconds. Why did he kiss Malfoy? He had seen Malfoy's lips and just couldn't help himself. Those lips drew him in. "I couldn't help myself." He said finally.

Malfoy looked at Harry. "So you like me?" Malfoy said, smirking slightly, and Harry's heart stopped for a second. This was a different smirk. He had seen Malfoy smirk before. But that smirk was rude, menacing. This one was full of mischief.

Do I like Malfoy?

Harry only had to think for a few seconds. He did like Malfoy, he had just never realized it before now.

"I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't." He said, shrugging as if it were obvious. Then a thought struck Harry. "But do you like me too?" He asked, looking at Malfoy. He saw Malfoy blush and Harry smiled.

"I'll take that as a yes." He said. Malfoy smiled.

Harry glanced at the clock on the wall and jumped up.

"It's almost past curfew I have to get back." He said as he headed for the doors. But the next second a hand on his wrist stopped him. Malfoy spun Harry around so they were facing each other and Harry realized how close they were and his breath caught in his throat. He blushed violently and he saw Malfoy smirk. Malfoy took Harry's waist in one hand and his face in the other and he knew what Malfoy was going to do before he did it. Malfoy kissed him, gently, softly. Harry found himself not being able to think for a few seconds before kissing Malfoy back. Harry's heart was beating so loud he was sure Malfoy could hear it. After a minute or so they broke apart. Both boys wearing a smile.

"Thank you Harry." Malfoy said, then the boy blushed. Harry's heart had stopped when Malfoy called him by his first name and he wanted to hear Malfoy call him by his last name ever again. He smiled at the other boy.

"You're welcome Draco." He said and pecked Draco on the lips before turning and leaving the Room of Requirement.

Harry could barely stop himself from jumping with joy. His smile never faded as he went to the Gryffindor common room.

What do I tell Ron and Hermione? Hermione would know something happened after seconds. She'll figure it out.

He knew they would be waiting up for him. Harry tried to stop smiling but he couldn't. He could try to avoid them but then they would definitely know something was up. Then again he could always tell them what happened, just not who. Harry groaned as he got to the Fat Lady's portrait.

"Godric" Harry said and walked in.

As expected, Ron and Hermione were in two chairs by the fireplace. As the portrait swung shut they turned and looked at him. He went and sat down on the couch next to the two chairs they were in.

"Why are you so happy mate?" Ron asked, looking at Harry quizzically.

Harry noticed Hermione was studying him closely. He knew she was attempting to read him.

Harry thought for a few seconds. He might as well tell them, Hermione would find out anyway. He just wouldn't tell them everything, and would definitely not tell them who. For one, it was Draco, that would definitely not go over well with Ron. Besides, he had not told anybody at all that he was bisexual.

"Well, there's this person that I really like and I just spent an hour or so with them. And before I left we erm we kissed." Harry said, hiding his blush.

"Ooooo, so are you dating?" Hermione asked excitedly.

"Erm no not exactly." Harry said.

"Who is it mate?" Ron asked, looking at Harry.

"I'd rather not say just yet." Harry said.

Ron opened his mouth to protest but Hermione kicked him in the shins and he shut up.

"You can tell us when you're ready Harry." She said, smiling.

Harry smiled at her, graciously. "I'm gonna go to bed, g'night." He said and he stood up and went to the dormitory. He put pyjamas on and took his glasses off, collapsing on his four poster. Images of Draco were flowing around in his mind and Harry smiled. Soon he drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

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