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(Harry's POV)
The next morning Draco didn't show up to breakfast. Harry looked around for him but he didn't show up.

"Maybe he's sick Harry, you should go to the Hospital Wing and see if he's there before you get all worried." Hermione said.

"Yeah I guess I will." Harry said as the bell rang.

"We'll tell Flitwick where you've gone." Ron said.

"Thanks" Harry said and took off towards the Hospital Wing. He didn't run into any teachers and was surprised at his luck. He was sure if he had they would send him straight to class.

Harry opened the doors to the Hospital wing and looked around. Madam Pomfrey was in her office at the end of the room. The beds were empty. Harry frowned and shut the doors. Since Ron and Hermione had told Flitwick where he had gone Harry decided he might as well make the best of it and look for Draco. He instantly thought of the Room of Requirement so he headed there.

Harry walked into the Room of Requirement and instantly saw Draco. Relief rushed through him...until he looked closer. Draco was an absolute mess and he had dark circles under his eyes like he hadn't been sleeping. Harry also noticed that his eyes were red and it looked as if he had been crying a lot recently.

"Draco?" He said tentatively.

Draco whipped around and grabbed for his wand faster than Harry could process what was happening. Luckily, Harry's reflexes were quick and he pulled out his wand and got it up just as Draco got his up.

"Get out Potter." Draco snarled. Harry noticed there was no love behind these words, there was pure hatred. It hurt.

"Draco..." Harry started.

"Petrificus Totallis" Draco shouted.

Harry ducked just in time. He bolted straight again and pointed his wand at Draco...but he couldn't do it. He couldn't hurt the one he loved.

"Draco...I don't want to hurt you." Harry said quietly and he slowly bent down and placed his wand on the floor and stood straight again. "I just want to talk Draco. I want to know what's wrong." He said.

"Don't pretend you don't know!" Draco screamed through tears. "You know exactly what you did Potter." He spat Harry's name as if it were poison to say it and Harry tried not to cry.

"No I don't Draco. If I did I wouldn't be asking. Please just tell me what I did wrong." Harry said, holding back tears.

"You cheated on me! You bloody bastard!! You kissed Pansy! You betrayed me!" Draco screamed at Harry. Draco was shaking now.

Relaization hit Harry. Draco must have seen Pansy kiss him.

"No Draco please. She kissed me. I pushed her away. I would never do that to you. Please believe me." Harry said, desperate. He didn't want to lose Draco. Now that he had him he couldn't lose him.

Draco was looking at him, staring into his eyes, and Harry stared back. Slowly Draco lowered his wand, but did not pocket it.

"You didn't kiss her? She kissed you?" Draco said, looking into Harry's eyes.

Harry looked directly into Draco's eyes. "I did not kiss her Draco." He said.

Draco looked at him for a few seconds then broke down crying, he sank to the floor. "I could have hurt you..I could have killed you...I'm sorry Harry I'm sorry..." Draco stuttered.

Harry immediately sank down beside Draco and took him in his arms. "Hush, it's fine. Everything's fine Draco." He felt Draco wrap his arms around Harry's waist and the boy put his face in the crook of Harry's neck and cried. Harry felt bad for Draco but angry at himself. He should have realized. He was so stupid.


(Draco's POV)
Draco decided not to go to breakfast the next morning. Instead he went to the Room of Requirement. He went in and saw there was a bathroom like last time. Without even thinking he went in and looked in the medicine cabinet and found what he was looking for.

Trigger Warning: cutting again If you don't want to read it skip until I say it's okay to read again.

He grabbed the razor blades and sat on the tub like last time. Unlike last time though, he rolled up his right sleeve. He placed the blade to his skin and felt the coolness. The image of Pansy and Harry floated in front of his eyes and he cut. He cut and he cut and he cut. When he was done he had cut a total of nine times. They weren't bad. He would be fine. He cleaned everything up and went back into the main room.

For those of you who skipped you can continue now.

He noticed there was a sink in the small kitchenette and went over to it. He turned on the water and splashed water on his face. Then he stood there. Thinking. He couldnt get the image of Harry and Pansy out of his head. Why would Harry do that? Why would Pansy do that? Draco started crying.

"Draco?" He heard Harry's voice behind him and whipped around, taking out his wand. But Harry was just as quick and they both had there wands up at the same time.

"Get out Potter," he snarled.

"Draco..." Harry started.

Draco didn't think. All he knew was that he was upset and angry.

"Petrificus Totallis," he shouted.

Harry ducked then stood upright again, pointing his wand at Draco.

"Draco...I don't want to hurt you." Harry said quietly and he slowly bent down and placed his wand on the floor and stood straight again. "I just want to talk Draco. I want to know what's wrong," he said.

Anger shot through Draco. Harry was pretending he didn't know what was going on.

"Don't pretend you don't know!" Draco screamed through tears. "You know exactly what you did Potter." He spat Harry's name as if it was poison.

"No I don't Draco. If I did I wouldn't be asking. Please just tell me what I did wrong." Harry said, Draco noticed there were tears in Harry's eyes and his anger faltered for a second. But then he remembered Pansy and Harry kissing and it disappeared.

"You cheated on me! You bloody bastard!! You kissed Pansy! You betrayed me!" He screamed at Harry. He realized he was shaking now, from anger and sadness. 

"No Draco please. She kissed me. I pushed her away. I would never do that to you. Please believe me." Harry said.

Draco looked at him and lowered his wand slightly.

"You didn't kiss her? She kissed you?" He said, looking straight into Harry's eyes.

Harry looked directly into his eyes. "I did not kiss her Draco." Harry said.

Draco looked at Harry, searching for untruth. But he didn't see any. He broke down crying, sinking to the floor.

"I could have hurt you..I could have killed you...I'm sorry Harry I'm sorry..." he stuttered.

Harry immediately sank down beside Draco and took him in his arms. "Hush, it's fine. Everything's fine Draco." Draco put his arms around Harry's waist and settled in the crook of Harry's neck. He cried. And he cried hard. He could have hurt Harry bad. He would never forgive himself.

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