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(Harry's POV)
It was the last day before school let out for summer and Harry was thoroughly enjoying himself. Usually the end of the school year meant going back to the Dursley's but under the circumstances he couldn't go back, which was perfectly okay with him.

Harry was sitting under the tree by the lake with Ron, Hermione, and Draco. They were talking about plans for the summer and what they were planning to do with their lives after Hogwarts.

"I think I'd like to become an Auror." Ron said. "Putting dark wizards in Azkaban. It'd be bloody wicked. What about you Harry? Mad-Eye said you'd be a great Auror." He asked.

"That wasn't Professor Moody Ronald that was Crouch." Hermione said while rolling her eyes at her boyfriend.

Ron shrugged and Harry smiled.

"I think I'll just stay on the quiet of things for a bit. Move someplace where not everybody knows who I am." Harry said. He was being honest. After the life he had at Hogwarts a quiet life sounded like heaven. After things settled down Harry actually wanted to be a professor at Hogwarts. It was the only career Harry actually found he would like.

Ron looked displeased with Harry's answer. Perhaps he was expecting Harry to say he wanted to travel the world or something.

"Ron let's go for a walk." Hermione said suddenly as she stood up. Ron looked up at her perplexed but got up to leave anyway.

Harry looked at Draco who had been silent for awhile. He had been laying on the grass looking at the sky. Harry moved closer and layed down beside him.

"Draco?" He started.

"Hmm." Draco said.

"I was wondering what you were thinking about doing after Hogwarts." He paused. "And about us after Hogwarts." He finished.

Draco leaned up on his elbow and laid his head in his hand. He looked at Harry.

"Well I want a quiet life that's for sure. After everything I've been through. But most importantly I want a life with you in it Harry." Draco said, looking at him. "So Harry Potter, do you want to live together?" Draco asked and smiled sheepishly.

Harry grinned and sat up. "Of course I do Draco." He said and kissed his boyfriend. He pulled back after a few seconds and looked into Draco's eyes. Those mesmerizing grey eyes.

"So the Gryffindor fell in love with the Slytherin." Draco said, smiling.

"What an evil Slytherin." Harry said, grinning.

"What a dumb Gryffindork." Draco said and kissed Harry.

The End

A/N: I decided to end this book early because I honestly have come to hate it. I don't think it's good so I'm just ending it. I apologize. I will be working on a new Drarry book that I'm hoping will be much better so keep a look out. Thank you to those of you who have read the whole book and have voted on chapters i appreciate it.

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