The L Word

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(Harry's POV)
Harry and Draco pulled apart minutes later and Harry smiled at the blue haired boy. His kisses with Ginny had never felt like that. Draco smiled back, blushing slightly.

"I'm surprised you said yes," Harry said, watching Draco.

"I'm surprised you asked," Draco said, smiling. Harry's heart fluttered when he saw Draco's smile and he blushed slightly.

"How could I not?" Harry said, smiling as the other boy blushed.

"To be honest I was going to ask you anyway." Draco said, offhandedly.

"You were?" Harry asked, watching Draco.

The boy nodded then looked like he was debating with himself about something. "I never hated you ya know." Draco said quietly.

Harry looked at him startled. " didn't?" He asked.

Draco shook his head. "No."

"Well you were awful rude to my friends and I." Harry said looking down at his hands.

"I know and I'm so sorry for it. I loved you for so long and I just didn't know how to handle it except with hate..." Draco trailed off.

Harry, however, was focused on the fact that Draco had said he loved him. " loved me?" Harry managed to ask.

Draco blushed and looked away instantly. "Erm, yeah."

Harry smiled. "I forgive you for everything you did." A memory flashed through Harry's mind, a memory that he had wanted to forget. "I don't think I ever really hated you either," he started, "the incident in the bathroom proved that to me. I thought I had killed you and I had been so upset and guilt ridden..." Harry trailed off as he was trying very hard not to cry, but a few tears escaped anyway. It was painful to remember that. He had hated himself afterwards. Harry felt a hand on his chin and Draco pulled his face up so Harry was looking at him. Draco wiped the tears from Harry's cheeks.

"I forgive you Harry, I forgave you a long time ago." Draco said and pressed his lips to Harry's forehead.

Harry smiled.

"We should be getting back to our common rooms." Draco said.

Harry frowned slightly. He didn't want to leave yet. He never wanted to leave Draco's side, but he knew he had no choice. They would both get detention if they stayed longer, so Harry nodded his head.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," he said, standing up.

Draco stood up and looked at Harry, his eyebrows furrowed. "So do you want to keep our relationship a secret?" He asked.

Harry thought about this for a few seconds. Honestly, he wouldn't have cared if it weren't for Ron and Hermione not even knowing he was bisexual, and the fact that it was Draco and he needed to give them a head's up.

"For now let's keep it a secret, but after I tell my friends let's announce it to the world." Harry said chuckling slightly.

Draco nodded, chuckling a little himself. "Sounds like a plan to me." Draco said, smiling.

"I'll see you tomorrow yeah?" Harry asked.

"Definietly." Draco said.

Harry smiled. "Goodnight Draco," he said and started for the door. The next second, however, he was being swung around by his wrist. Draco swung him so they were chest to chest as Harry's heart started pounding violently and he blushed. Draco smiled mischievously and pressed his lips gently to Harry's. Harry melted and kissed Draco back passionately. He ran his hands up Draco's back to hook the boy's shoulders and felt Draco shiver slightly. He felt Draco's hands in his hair and he couldn't help but think he wanted to be like this forever. Draco pulled away first and Harry was slightly dejected.

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