She opened her wardrobe, took her uniform, and closed it. She hated it. It was a grey skirt until her knees (anything shorter would get her suspended) and a white shirt. On top of that she had to wear a blazer (same colour with the skirt) and of course a blue tie that matched with the badge of her school, that was on her blazer. She had the freedom to wear any shoes she desired. She was usually wearing black converse.
Her phone rang. It was Lorrie.
"Hello girl!"
''Hey Lorrie. How are you?''
''Fine. So I'm outside your house. Wanna come down and go together?''
''I haven't done my hair yet. Will you wait for me?''
''Sure! I don't want to go alone on our first day back. Gosh I hate the fact that holidays are over.''
''Come on Lorrie. We'll have fun!''
''Oh God. So I wore high hills today! I wanna make a good first impression!''
''Come on Lorrie. It's not like you are a senior!'' She grabbed her hair on a ponytail, took her purple bag, and left. That ponytail was showing the shape of her eyes better.
"well I'm going to be next year and I want to be prepared. Scarlett are you ever coming? it's getting hot down here!"
Montana generally had a good weather, but that day it had 37C°.
"I'm here.", Scarlett said and hanged up the phone.
''Look at you! You haven't even put on make up!"
"Shut up!", Scarlett said and they both laughed...
When they arrived at school, a beautiful huge building, Theodore Smith walked towards them. He was their friend. A tall guy with 6-pack and blonde hair. He was really muscular and stylish. A lot of chicks liked him, but he didn't like playing games or being in a relationship, because "The greatest luxury is being free!'' , as he always said when somebody was asking him why he was single. His big blue eyes were always shiny when he was talking about freedom.
He was also in the basketball team since freshman year, so he was pretty popular.
"Hello ladies. Scar you look stunning but I don't recognise the girl near you.", he said.
''Hey Theo. I think the heat has affected you! It's Lorrie you dummy!''
''He doesn't need the heat to be stupid. it comes natural to him. Hi Smith.''
''Oh I'm sorry, your make up is covering your whole face. Which is good, if you consider the fact that your skin looks more like a dinosaur than a human.''
''Are you done? Because I have better things to do than looking at your hair which hasn't been washed for how long? Three? Four weeks?", Lorrie asked and giggled.
"I'm cleaner than you!'', Theodore said and he sounded like a baby. All of them laughed.
Theodore and Lorrie were always playing those sorts of games but they liked each other very much and no one really meant any of the insults they were exchanging. They grew up together. Their houses were side by side and their mothers were best friends since high school.
Scarlett heard a whistle behind her. It was Victor, a senior in their school. He was a muscular guy with light brown hair. And those eyes, gosh those eyes were blue and they had a beautiful shape. Every girl he saw was falling for him because of those two blue bastards! And not only students. His female teachers became some kind of hypnotised creatures when it came to Victor. And Victor's only competition was Theodore. But the difference between them was that Theodore didn't care. Victor on the other hand, wanted to bring him as down as he could.

Sweet Little Nothing [Lea Michele teenfiction]
Подростковая литератураSo tell me. How natural is it to have a pigeon as a pet? I like pizza, and the pizza guy. I want to finally understand the world and I want the world to understand me. I'm Scarlett and I am 17 years old. And the book you are about to read is pretty...