Scarlett was looking at him frozen and shocked. She wanted to disappear from earth. She wanted to go somewhere far away and never come back, to forget everyone and everything. Her family was carrying some kind of a curse on their shoulders.
"I know that the things that I told you don't prove anything, but there were a lot of things in that letter that made me understand that your father's job is to kill people for the big sharks. Scarly, he has killed again."
Scarlett stood up and went home. She had lost a lot of lessons, but it wouldn't do any good to her if she had stayed, because her mind would simply not be there. She took off her converse and the blazer and threw them on the floor. The drunk pigeon was flying in its cage like a crazy bird and it was making a lot of noise.
"Shut up!", Scarlett shouted at it.
All those years I've been living in the same house with a killer, she thought. She even thought to tell her father about her mother's affair with her boss, so she would kick out of the house. But what if he kills her too if he finds out about them?, she thought again. I have to call Vic. He'll know what to do. She tried to call him but it went straight to voice mail.
"Vic I got a problem. It's not about Lorrie. It's an emergency, call me ASAP. Please.", she said and through her phone on the bed. Then she heard the door opening. She went downstairs to see who it was, and it was her mother.
"You're home early.", Scarlett said.
"You are home early.", her mother said with a suspicious look.
"Yea, I didn't feel very well, I was kinda dizzy."
"Did you eat anything?"
"I'll cook something for us. Have you contacted your brother yet?"
"No and seriously this is the first time I see a mother who doesn't look at all for her son."
"This is a cry for attention, Scarlett. He'll come home when he gets hungry."
"Mum, it's been days since he left without a word."
"Trust me darling. Thank God he knows how to survive without our help.", her mother said while she stood up. "Now, what do you want to eat for lunch?"
"I'm not hungry."
"You've always liked pasta."
"Do whatever you want."
The door bell rang and Scarlet went to open the door. it was Theodore and Lorrie and they looked worried. "Are you home alone?", Theodore asked.
"No, my mother is in the kitchen.", Scarlett answered.
Then Theodore took her hand and pulled ger outside. "Honey, who is it?", her mother asked.
"My friends."
"Scar.", Lorrie said.
"What is it?"
"We both noticed that you don't talk to us anymore.", Theodore said.
"What do you want me to talk to you about?"
"Anything! Your life, your crushes, your worries, your problems. You used to talk about those things. Actually you didn't shut up! What changed?", Lorrie said.
"There are some things that I can't tell anybody."

Sweet Little Nothing [Lea Michele teenfiction]
Roman pour AdolescentsSo tell me. How natural is it to have a pigeon as a pet? I like pizza, and the pizza guy. I want to finally understand the world and I want the world to understand me. I'm Scarlett and I am 17 years old. And the book you are about to read is pretty...