Chapter 1: Hoping To Leave This World But CTE Saves Me

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Hey hope you like my new book I wanted to do something that no one has done. Warning Self harm and other horrible things happen. Its a long chapter. Sooo here is the story....

How Raven looks and somethings adout her.

She has long black hair with bright green eyes. She is a emo/gothic girl with a horrible pass. She loves rock/punk music as She has her right side of her nose pierced. She is adout 5ft 2in and weighs about 95.

Raven's P.O.V at 5 years old.

I heard my sister cry as I walked into her room seeing her hang herself. "Sarah what are you doing." I asked me only knowing what she was doing. "Raven no." She replied yelling as she slip on the chair and passed away. "Sarah Sarah wake up." I yelled crying as my parents ran into her room as my mother picked me up and toke me out of her room ad my father called the police. I watched my parents drink there problems way as they abuse me with words and hitting or kicking.

7 years later from that day

I looked up to my science teacher Ms.Miller as she explained the way cells divided and multiple. 'Thank god I have a week off from this hell to another one.' I thought to myself as the bell rang as everyone ran out the door to the bus stop or parent pick up or as they walked home. I grabbed my bag as Ms.Miller stopped me. "Raven your grades are dropping in my class you need to do your work." She said handing me a piece of paper with my grade on it. "Okay Ms.Miller see you later." I replied walking out the door and into the bus I rode home in.

I put my ear phones in as I listened to Memphis May Fire as the bus toke me to my hell called home. I walked off the bus as I put my ipod and earphones in my bag and walked into my house to see both my parents passed out sleeping on the couch with the T.V. blasting noise. I walked passed my parents as I walked into my room. I looked at the clock that read 4:45. I put my bag on my bed as I walked into the bathroom that me and Sarah used to share. I grabbed one of my razors as I put it to my wrist and made 3 new cuts before I heard my father scream "Raven get your fat slutty whore down here and make me and your mother dinner." He yelled as I grabbed a old misfits jacket and put it on as I ran into the kitchen and started making them dinner with whatever was good or still in the house. I made my parents dinner as I listen to my parents yell.

"I told you to start dinner." My. father yelled holding a deer can in one hand as the only hand a hold of my neck. "I did it's on the table." I said as he let go of me. I ran to my room to see the sun set as it colored the sky. "Raven get your ass down here." My mother yelled making me run into the living room as I got a slap in the face. "Your a fucking little slut just like your sister." My father said before I knew I was on the ground being kicked in the face or stomach or chest. After 15 minutes or so my parents lifted to go to a bar.

I looked at the clock it was 6:45. I got up slowly as I walked into my room as I grabbed my ipod, earphones and 1 razor. I put some makeup on to cover the bruises. I walked to the closest brigade as I listened to Sleeping With Sirens. I sat down in the bridge as I rolled up my sleeve and made more cuts that I don't remember how many. I listened to crown the empire lead my out of the dark as I got up and standed on the concrete railings as I jumped off before I fell into the water 4 strong arms grabbed me.

Andy's P.O.V

I walked down a road with Davy to find a gas station to fill the van back up before we went on the Asking Alexandria tour. I looked up to see a bridge and someone setting on it. "Hey Davy I think we should ask that person." I said pointing to the person as Davy nodded as we walked over to the peraon to see a small girl who seemed to be doing something with her wrist. She got up onto the railing.

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