Praise For "Immortally Beloved"

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First of all, thanks before praise matters! Thanks to Willjra, my partner in life, love, and one of the biggest supporters of my writing and everything I do in my life. I don't think there's ever been a hobby, talent, interest, jon or endeavour of mine he hasn't supported. He identifies with the character of Colton Ormond, and though it wasn't intentional, it makes me happy. His Wattpad support includes reading romance and teen fiction stories out loud while I judge them. :P

Thanks also to my dear friend HanJianWen, who was charmed by a bubbly little character named Ava and eventually became a part of my world that I never expected. True friends are hard to come by, especially across oceans and time differences. Keegan is happy to know that in an alternate universe, Ava is happy and well-protected. ;) Please read his book, "Aeron-The Immortals"! Bryn Aeron, as well as characters inspired by Ava and Eleni, are in there. :)

If anything ever happens to me, I'm fairly sure these two will find my notes and finish the saga. I can't write as fast as George R.R. Martin does. ;)

Every book needs a cover, and this one had so many great submissions and things I've used along the way. The original one was by BrainySaber and was seen by so many people for nearly 3 months. The current is courtesy of TheTigerWriter, who did a different take on Eleni that's just as lovely. I'm going to add a page to this book thanking all the artists who wished to help with this project, but these two are ones you should definitely contact for your graphic needs.

At the very beginning of most books, there's a section called "Praise For (Name Of Book Here)". While it all looks very good to have 4 pages of really nice words, what I've learned is that those are snippets of reviews and critiques where the author just chose the nicest two sentences left by reviewers. Of course, those are truly nice things said about the book, so the author is right to be proud--especially when the reviewer is an important person or publication. That's what this page is for, a collection of good things plucked out of all the "YOU SUCK!"'s. Just kidding, I've never gotten such amateur feedback, but not everyone is a fan, that's for sure!

This page is my salute to the small victories that go along with writing, workshopping, and critiquing a manuscript. :D It is also, of course, unnecessary and undignified bragging about nothing much at all. ;) I have a lot of fun challenging myself with the Wattpad rankings--you know, when they work-- and also enjoy both participating in and judging for contests and other games on Wattpad. This is not confined to Wattpad! I generally enjoy games, contests, and challenges- whether it's trivia, poker, or Uno! It isn't because I am the best at much of anything, I just enjoy the little spark of competitive spirit that lives inside me. :D

This song reminded me of my clubbing days almost a decade ago, and one of the songs most clearly about "undignified and shameless self-promotion" I could think of. I'm pretty sure Eleni is giving a thumbs up of approval from the corner. She markets herself only slightly less obviously than a Kardashian. :P 

Without further ado, here's what the critics and readers have to say! (but only the good stuff, of course, like real best-selling authors do!)

For a lovely review of "Immortally Beloved" from @The_Nefarious, please check it out:

Another from RayOfSunshine9 can be found here:


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