Chapter 33: Love Wears Many Faces

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November 22nd, 2015Aubrey Parish, Louisiana

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November 22nd, 2015
Aubrey Parish, Louisiana

Brian hit the now familiar number on his cell phone for what must have been the thirtieth time in two days. Whenever there was a crisis that the young man didn't know how to handle, he called for help. Colton Ormond never failed to answer, whether it was by phone or the old-fashioned beepers that emergency personnel still carried due to the somewhat dubious reception within the Parish.

This time, Colton had not answered when Brian needed him the most. When the cell phone, pages, and texts failed to receive an immediate reply, Brian panicked. He started dialling from the charming antique phone in Eleni's living room.

If Brian wasn't thoroughly enchanted by Eleni before what passed between them, he was now. While he knew nothing to do except call for the Sheriff over and over again, growing more desperate each time, Eleni cared for Zia.

It seemed like an eternity ago when Brian stumbled down the stairs in a freshly-showered state of bliss, looking only for Eleni. She wasn't in bed when he'd woken, and the cold feeling of dread that enveloped him at the thought she'd left him was almost too much to bear. The relief of seeing her behind the kitchen counter making tea flooded his body with comfort.

He'd put his arms around the thin woman as if she were the most familiar and comforting object in the world. "Eleni."  He remembered whispering her name as if he were worshipping a long-concealed goddess. 

"Eleni, I love you."

It was the look in her eyes, both sad and terrified, that made it feel as if the world stopped existing. Brian hadn't even seen Zia on the couch, her skin almost as pale as Eleni's was.

"Brian---" Eleni's voice was the soothing yet strained tone he knew all too well. It was the same one he used, the same one he'd heard the Sheriff use, whenever it was their job to give families lousy news. His mind pushed away from the thought, but it failed.

It filled him with dread when he started to think about the many ways Eleni was similar to Colton. No matter what, she was always calm and rational, but she was not cold. The emotion lived somewhere untouchable. The crisis and the feelings of others forever came first.

She is a beautiful person. Brian's eyes filled with tears at the recognition of seeing the world through new eyes. They both are.

"Eleni. Don't say it, please. I know what you're going to say and it's not that you love me too. Please don't say the words."

She wrapped her arms around him too, and for a moment, he believed everything might be okay. "I'm sorry. I truly am. I do love you, but that's not the thing we have time to talk about right now. You have to call your father. The sooner, the better. Time stops for no one."

The tears started to fall on to Eleni's small shoulder. "What are you saying? My father has been dead most of my life." His face tilted up to her, and he wondered if he looked as lost and overwhelmed as he felt. "I feel like I've been walking in a dream for days. Please wake me up now, Eleni."

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