Final Notes

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"There are no happy endings

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"There are no happy endings. Endings are the saddest part, so just give me a happy middle--and a very happy start." Shel Silverstein, Every Thing on It.

" ― Shel Silverstein, Every Thing on It

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Don't worry. This isn't the end, and Aubrey Parish isn't quite ready to say goodbye yet.

For those who are interested in the Historical Fiction and Dark Romance side of things, a novella is forthcoming about Eleni's escape from the ruins of her life in Rome and the beginning of an adventure in Venice that will change the course of her destiny. Of course, she has the stubborn and irrepressible Madame de Roussel in tow-- unless she throws her out on the street, which can't be ruled out. ;)

Entitled "Auld Lang Syne",  this novella began as a piece of short fiction for the 12 Days Of Hawtness anthology in December of 2018. I promised that I'd continue it if I got over 100 reads on the few short chapters I posted, and instead, I got over 6K in reads. Please note that this will be a very Mature work full of sex, violence, scandal, and supernatural drama. This is for the open-minded and adult readers out there, so you've been warned. However, the story so far has gotten very positive reviews and feedback, so it's probably worth continuing! ;)

For those who like their Historical Fiction a bit more on the up-and-up, another side project I'm working on is "The Portrait Of Evienne". It is the story of Eleni's sister-in-law, rival, and general thorn in the side, Evienne de Roussel. It only has a few chapters, but has been met with glowing reviews and a virtual case of virtual awards and recognition.

I'm careful to post chapters to both books so there are not too many spoilers regarding the saga in Aubrey Parish. I definitely encourage readers to check out both works-in-progress as they unfold.

Summer of 2019 will bring readers "Eternally Beloved", the second book in the Aubrey Parish series. Even I don't know yet if there will be two or three books in the story, and that's one of those little details I need to work out. Though originally planned to be a single book, I suspect the story of Eleni and Aubrey Parish will become a trilogy.

What's next for "Immortally Beloved"?

There will be some heavy editing on the book, including added content you guys have asked for! There will be more information added regarding the Masquerade and the magic behind Aubrey Parish, a deleted scene between Marius and Eleni restored to the book, and additional entries from Eleni's journal--so many of you have said that's your favourite part!

I'll also be cleaning up those pesky tense shifts, misplaced commas, and other grammar mistakes. Some "just for fun" features will be added, including the "Immortally Beloved" playlist (the songs actually give clues to the story unfolding in some instances and were chosen very carefully!) and a cast list, if this were to become the next series on HBO or Showtime! ;)

You'll still see this book around in contests and such as the year winds down, but eventually, focus will shift onto the next one!

What's "Eternally Beloved" going to be about?

Everyone always says the second book isn't as good as the first and doesn't get as many readers, as much attention, or as much support. I'm determined to prove them wrong, even though I haven't written a word yet! ;)

The second book will focus on Zia and her family, the trouble the Bellerose sisters stir up in the Parish, the truth about who killed Ava, and the thing you guys have all asked to see more of since the very beginning--- The Red Question. Some of the more minor characters like Odelie, Bryn, Izolda, and Mortikai will be developed further, and the fates of Alisaundra, Marius, and Zia are revealed. Azzie has a secret, Dino has reservations, Keegan may or may not remember some important things, Lala is conflicted, Scott's carefree life has derailed, Eleni's gotten herself mixed up in all sorts of trouble, Emmaline is on the run, a guy with a weird mask is running around town--and who is that guy who dresses in black and spies from the rooftops, anyway?

Here's where you comment and let me know what character(s) and storyline(s) you'd like to peek into a bit more! More romance? More historical fiction? More scandal? More vampire scenes? More action? This book left the readers with a lot of answers, but also a lot of questions!

Who out there is still #TeamAli? Who wants to rescue Marius? Who wants to see Eleni and Brian together? Who likes the folksy wisdom of the Sheriff and Mr. Grimm?

Oh, right! Mr. Grimm! Who wants to know more about Mr. Grimm, the Watchkeeper, and this business with counting souls that makes Azzie a liiiiiittle strange?

Comment away! You never know...the reader with the best comments and feedback may find themselves appearing in fictional form as a resident of Aubrey Parish!! <3

There are so many people to thank for this year-long journey of Great And Wonderful Things on Wattpad and the creative process that made this book happen. I couldn't possibly thank everyone, but those who've been influential to me have chapters dedicated to them! A special "thank you" once again goes to Willjra and HanJianWen. The first is my boyfriend, who probably believed in this project more than anyone, and usually believes in everything I do. The second is a friend thousands of miles away who started off as a stranger in a virtual world but quickly became one of my best and most loyal friends in the real one. He is also the Forever Guardian of Ava.:)

Some people, I just can't thank, because they're not on Wattpad.  Jessey (once known as J_Mills here) is a wonderful author who was also completely supportive in being a pre-beta-reader before leaving Wattpad, and even though his chapter dedication was removed--I promise it was there.

Many thanks to Maria (close friends know her as Caireen), who helped inspire the character of Evienne de Roussel. Thanks also to Marcelo, a brilliant opera singer who inspired the character of Albireo. He even wrote and sang a song for Eleni at one point! <3 Readers didn't get to see much of him in this story, but that will certainly change.

A huge thank you to Laurent (although that sounds like the name of one of Eleni's vampires, it's seriously real!), who fell in love with Ava during the early phases of her creation and worked with me to make her my most well-developed character. Unfortunately, the story of Ava can't be told until this series ends , but it's a story I love. Thanks to Ian, who left me the legacy of a very important character you'll meet in the future.

Thank you to Allen and Tammy, who say they don't like to read, but are constant cheerleaders! More thanks to Jeff, Joshua, Yaneev, Janet, Billy, Jen, Victor, Bob, Vicki, Teagan, Shannon, JP, Austin, Will, Evan, Peter, Arin, Ryan, Ruthie, Avery, everyone at Dagwood's, and my brother Christopher! You're all difficult to keep in touch with since life has blown us all around the globe--but share so many memories and stories. Thanks to all my friends on Facebook and Twitter who put up with me talking about my writing and my personal struggles, and always remind me things get better.

So many other characters are partially inspired by those who make up my world, but I'm not going to "out" them here. "Inspired by" is definitely different from reality, so I'll just say "You know who all of you are!". <3

During the time I was planning and writing this book, both my mother and father passed away, followed by my uncle and aunt. They were all in their 60's, and it's a reminder that life is too short not to follow your dreams and make time for the people and things that really matter. Some of the characters in the book helped me process saying goodbye to loved ones and to a past that wasn't always the easiest.

If the book made you cry, I can't be sorry for that, because I probably cried while writing it. ;)

It's hard to say "The End". so there's no "The End". Just...stay tuned for the next one. <3

*~ Alayna <3

*~ Alayna <3

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