Chapter 6

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I instantly jumped from the table against the wall away from him. Serene started laughing. I mean hard. We all looked to her.

"Come on. Seriously?" She breathed. She looked to Will. He flashed his teeth with a hiss and with that she stood as well, all smiles gone as we took in the fangs we could see clearly, and the golden eye change I had seen in Dustin. My breathing wouldn't slow down. I went for the door at a run when I was out front Dustin was there waiting.

"God don't do that to me!" I exclaimed and tossed out a weak punch to his chest. "Stay away from me!" People passing looked and whispered.

"Alayna calm down." Dustin held up his hands innocently. "I would never hurt you." He kept his deep voice low and calm.

"This is nuts." I was already covered in a light sweat of stress, my chest rising and falling too quickly. I was afraid I might pass out. His large cold hands wrapped around my small hands.

"This is real, and I swear on my life I won't hurt you."

"You're dead." I hiss trying to yank my hands from his grasp but couldn't. After a moment he let me go. I crossed my arms and looked at a clump of people staring. "What are you looking at?" I snapped at them. They turned away at that.

"I know you hate me but we need to stick together. What you're going through-." He paused. "You can't handle alone. You need us, even though I know you don't want to admit it."

"I don't hate you." I found myself saying. "I wish I did, but I don't" He flinched a little at that. "This is just a lot to process. I need time."

"We don't have time." He argued. "You don't have to like me, or be near me more than absolutely necessary but we need to have each other's backs for now. I will keep my distance, just let me help you and watch over you."

Part of me didn't want that. Actually a huge part of me didn't want that. I didn't want him keeping his distance at all. I was freaked out, yes, but I did have strong feelings for him. One's I wasn't going to admit too tonight or even over the next several days. That kiss was a big mistake I wasn't going to make again. At least for the next days of figuring out my life. I nod.

"Can we go back inside now and figure out our next steps?" He held a hand out to the door. I looked at it all the way up his muscular frame to his scruffy jaw line settling on his dark brown eyes shadowed by the night. I swallowed the lump in my throat crossed my arms and nodded again stepping ahead of him. In a quick blur he had the door open. I blinked and looked at him, close to completely losing my mind.

"I apologize its instinct."

"To move like a blur or get the door for a girl?" I arched a brow and smirked. His face lightened up and little and he shrugged,

"Bit of both I guess." I saw the tension leave his body some and I felt proud of myself for making a joke from it when all I really wanted to do is run around screaming and pulling my hair out. Stepping back inside was like stepping out of a movie you were really engrossed in. Like all the people chatting, laughing, and drinking where a dream. My mind not being able to separate from what's real and what isn't. Dustin's cool body following close behind me again as we weaved back through the crowd was a constant reminder of what he is. And also what I might be becoming. Slowly I sat back at the table were William and Serene seemed to be talking a bit too closely together.

"Are we interrupting?" Dustin cleared his throat. Serene flushed and pulled away some from Will who was smiling about something.

"No, we were just trying to figure out her mutation."

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