Chapter 13

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I sat in Dustin's room and stared at the floor. I was exhausted again but afraid to sleep. My mind played out a million different things I could say to her. It was now after midnight and not a single one felt right, or convincing, even to me. I laid back and stared at the ceiling. My eyes burned. There was a tap on the door and Dustin peaked his head in.

"I'm shocked mom hasn't come in." I stated.

"She went to sleep finally. She doesn't want to stress you out more I don't think. You should be sleeping too." He walked in and lightly shut the door. He ran a hand through his long dark hair, lifting his eyes to me.

"Why? So she can get in my mind again?" I spat with hurt and hate. I sat up finding it hard not to want to give into my heavy eyes. He came and sat on the edge on the bed. I curled my legs under me and picked at a wrinkle.

"I'm sorry you struggle with your eating." He finally said.

"That is seriously the last thing I want to talk about right now." I glair at him. He reached over and took my hand and my stomach dipped down low warming me. I just stare at his hand on mine.

"What do you want to talk about then?" He asked softly.

"How many woman have you slept with?" I tossed out before I could back down. He blinked in surprise, then smiled with a soft laugh,

"That's what you want to talk about?"

I arched a brow at him and waited.

"Five." He answered simply. I didn't know what to say. I expected a lot more over so many years... centuries. "And I never loved a single one. It's just after so long a man kind of gives into his desires." He shrugs. He studies my face. "You look like you saw a ghost and I'm not sure how to take that."

"I just thought, I thought it was a lot more. I mean, look at you." I moved my hands out from under his hand motioned up and down to his hotness.

"Really? You think I'm attractive?" Did he really just ask that?

"Please, you know you are."

"Yes, I know, but you're hard to read, so hot and cold. One minute I think you do the next your distant or biting my head off." He turned more pulling one leg up onto the bed to face be better. I gapped at him,

"I thought you knew how I felt."

"How would I know that?"

"I don't know! Vampire instinct or something!"

"It doesn't work on you." He said, face falling more serious. "So how do you feel?"

Oh god... a guy was asking me to put my feeling out there on the table. A very hot, vampire guy. I probably turned beet red. I dropped my gaze and shifted unsurely on the bed.

"Um... I don't know. Confused." I breathe.

"Confused?" He tilted his head and his hair fell to one side.

"I don't really understand my feelings. They have never been so strong."

"Strong good or strong bad?" He moved a little closer and took my injured left hand in his. I felt my senses heighten as I really got where we were. Alone, in a bedroom, on a bed, and hell was about to come down on us tomorrow.

"Both." My eyes held his dark ones and my throat closed up. I hope he didn't want anymore because he wasn't going to get it. I was completely compelled by him. He leaded over. He hesitated an inch from my face eyes going from my lips back to eyes as if asking. This wasn't our first kiss so why ask? Then again maybe it would be our last...

I finished the gap pressing my lips hard onto his with raw desire. He wrapped a hand behind my neck and pulled me closer his lips parting mine with a quiet moan. I trembled all over by that sound. Hearing how badly he wanted me. Somehow we moved and he was on top of me hands shaking up my shirt. I could tell he was as out of control as I was, completely taken by the feelings we had. His lips kissed my jaw and traveled down my neck. My turn to moan, as the kisses continued down between my small breasts hesitating for a second to pull my shirt off. He stopped and took me in, his hands holding my ribs carefully, as if afraid he would break me. Then he came down lips on my stomach traveling all the way back up to my lips. His hand touched my thigh holding my right leg firmly rubbing his thumb over my skin softly. His tongue hit mine and I felt like I might come undone. My hands traveled up his white T till I pulled it off. I also had to take a second to take in his body. Rock solid ab's just like I had imagined. My hands traveled over them making him sucking in a breath when the dropped at his waist band. His lips found mine again. We moved together perfectly like that for a while, and he never went farther. Then his kisses took me by surprise traveling all over my body, down onto my legs. I gasped with enjoyment when they brushed my inner thighs. He came back up and said,

"I don't want to go farther." My hand rubbed over the stubble on his face that have burned my lips. We were both out of breath. I frown but didn't ask why knowing he would tell me. "I want there to be more to look forward to when this is over."

"What if it isn't over? What if-." His lips fell back on mine silencing me.

"No." He whispered on my lips. My eyes slowly opened to look into his dark ones trimmed in gold. "We will finish this tomorrow night. And the night after. You got that?" His dark eyes had become stern. "I didn't live all these years to only have days with my soul mate."

I smile and nod,

"Will you sleep with me?" I felt the fear again of sleep and of what is to come. He kissed my neck almost sending me into another round of uncontrollable want.

"Of course." We both stayed topless as he moved to lay next to me and pulled me close. I bared my face into his pecks. Just before I drifted into sleep he whispered,

"I love you Alayna."

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