Chapter 16

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I don't remember getting back into Dustin's bed. I woke with a jolt. My hands stuck to the bed. I turned them over seeing the blood. Mom's blood, I looked down at my ripped up long sleeve seeing dark spots of other people's blood. People I killed. Mixed with cuts of my own and bruises. I fell into more sobs digging my hands into my hair. Curling in on myself. I fell back asleep. Voice echoed in the distance.

"I don't know if she will recover from this." Sounded like Hunter. I squeezed my eyes shut more.

"She has too, we need her. I need her." Dustin's voice replied. Tears seeped out of my sealed eyes. Sun came and went outside counting two days. I didn't move, I laid bloody and gross in his bed for two days. Slowly I sat up. My eyes felt bruised from all the crying. Numbly I stood feeling light from lack of food. Spots dotted my vision and I sat back down closing my eyes trying to steady myself. I don't know what they did with her body... with all the bodies. Surely someone saw the fight as well. There was no way not a single civilian didn't witness it. Didn't hear it. I tried to stand again making it to the door I cracked it open seeing the hall empty. Quickly I jogged to the bathroom, shutting and locking the door. I almost screamed when I saw my refection. I had bruised hand prints around my throat, a black eye, a busted swollen lip, and blood in my blonde hair and on my arms. My not bruised eye practically matched from crying so much, both blood shot and puffy. I didn't remember getting punched but there was so much happening I'm sure I had. I turned on the sink and started rubbing my hands. The blood was dried though. I scrubbed harder, and harder till I was trying to scratch it viciously off. Gasping I shut the water off and looked back up at my hideous eyes. What has happened? What happened to my life? Why me? I punched the mirror. It shattered and cut up my fist making me hiss in pain cradling it. A tap came from the door.

"Alayna? You ok?" It was Dustin. Of course it was damn Dustin.

"I'm fine. Leave me alone." I snapped.

No one replied. I felt like he hadn't left the door yet. I turned and started the shower on hot. Shedding my clothes I found more bruises, and cuts, and parts of me that hurt to move. I lightly touched a rib and yelped. I bit down on my lip knowing it was defiantly broke.

"Alayna?" Came Lyla's voice. "When you finish showering I would like take a look at your injuries. Please."

"Sure. Ok." I forced out then stepped into the shower. The burning water made somethings better and some worse. The water ran red down the drain. I knelt down and lost it again, sobbing under the forceful water. After maybe I an hour I got out and pulled my backpack from the linen closet. Pulling out underwear I covered my breasts with my arm and opened the door for Lyla. She stepped in cautiously. Her eyes gazed over me with sadness.

"Don't look at me like that. Just do whatever you need to do." I growled turned away and sitting on the closed toilet seat. Her hands carefully traveled over my cuts and bruises, a warming sensation came from her finger tips as she traveled along my body, when she hit my rib she snapped it back. I screamed into a towel when she did it and almost passed out. She finished on my neck and face. Stepping back she said,

"Finished." Then simply turned and left me knowing I didn't want anything said to send me into another fit of tears. I pulled out a loose black dress and tossed it on then kicked my bag back in the closet. Dustin waited in the hall. He wore all black as well and if I had any desire for him at all right now I would say he looked hot, but I didn't. I looked away from him and started down the hall.

"You not going to talk to me?" He followed right behind. I said nothing.

"Alayna." He grabbed my arm and I relived not going after that evil witch, how he held me back. I jumped out of his grasp.

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