Chapter 7

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When we got home it was once again empty. The clock on the kitchen counter read after midnight. How did the time fly by so fast? Most of all where was mom?

"I'm going to go put workout clothes on. You going to be alright?" Serene looked to me. I nodded before she turned and walked to the guest room. I checked the sliding glass door. It was locked. Checked all the rooms. They were empty. I hated this. All of it. I didn't want to be abnormal, or have a mom that's lied to me my entire life. I also didn't want to be obsessed with a guy I literally knew nothing about other than his name, and that he was a rich, vampire. What else was there to him? How many years has he lived? How many girlfriends? One night stands? Has he killed people? The blood drained from my face. Of course he's probably killed people. God I'm attracted to a predator. A natural killer. Though the version I saw of my aunt in the water looked something short of a shark... is that what I will look like?

Serene came back from the room in capris black yoga pants, and a black razor back tank top. Long brown hair in a high pony tail. She wrapped a knife holder around her thy and check the knife was secure, then took her hand gun and tucked it under her tank behind her back. Her glass blade went tucked in her sports bra.

"That's not going to cut you?" I crossed my arms watching her.

"It will be fine."

"You look dressed for war."

"Should I be dressed for anything less when I'm going to see a pack of werewolves?" She arched a dark brow.

"Good point." I nod then turn and grab the jeep key off the counter. "I'm going to drive to the government center. I can't wait till god knows when for her to get home."

"They won't let you in." She points out.

True they weren't going to let me into a high security government facility but;

"She can come out. I'll tell them it's an emergency."

She nodded.

"You be safe." She walked over to me and hugged me tightly.

"You too." I patted her back gently.

"Oh my phone is only at twenty five percent so it might die on me. Not sure how long I'll be gone for."

"Got it. I don't think Hunter will let anything happen to you." I smiled and winked placing my hands on her shoulders and holding her out at arm's length.

"Ha! Yea probably not, and if he did Will would kill him."

"What did you do to them to make them so crazy over you?" I stepped back and started for the door.

"Not sure." Her voice lingered with something more.

"Are you sure you can't do anything odd? Create love potions or something?" I smiled at her. "They did mention warlocks."

"I'm sure." She smiled, but it wasn't a very solid smile. She was a very bad liar.

"Well, whenever you want to tell me I'll be here for you."

"I know you will."

With that I turned and left the house. I stood for a second taking in the humid night. Not a breath of air swirled, it was complete stillness, and probably still at least eighty out maybe just hitting upper seventies. I looked up at the clear night sky not seeing any stars, hidden by all the street lights. The moon was almost full and I wondered what that meant for Hunter. Was it really like the stories? Would he turn with no control, or did he have control? Do vampires really hate werewolves or was it just a coincidence? I had way too many questions. So many I really had no idea how I was keeping myself sane. Maybe I wasn't... maybe I lost my mind Saturday night and now I'm living a reality only in my head.

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