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We ended up on an island, and Jack was now the chief of the cannibal tribe that lived there. He had put the rest of the crew in cages and somehow managed to keep me with him.

A few days after we arrived, I was sitting at Jack's feet, when a few of the tribe members, brought over a man on a stick. I quickly noticed it was Will, and got excited.

"Kali kali ten dah dah," the cannibal said.

"Jack? Jack Sparrow," Will said, "I can honestly say I'm glad to see you." Jack rose from his chair, and poked Will's shoulder, "Jack, it's me, Will Turner! Amandah? You recognize me right?" I gave a small smile but didn't say anything. Jack looked at the tribe member.

"Pah se ko?" he asked.

"Teen dada, eeseetis."

"Tell them to let me down!"

"Kele lam. Nom piki piki, nom minsi winsi, Lam seisei, eunichi. Snip snip." Jack mimed scissors as he spoke, and I would have laughed if the situation we were in wasn't so serious.

"Ahh, Eunichi," the tribe said in unison. Jack turned away, but then Will spoke again.

"Jack, the compass, it's all I need. Elizabeth is in danger. We were arrested for trying to help you. She faces the gallows!" Jack stopped and thought for a moment, then turned back to the cannibals.

"Seiserom shup shup sha smame mame shuku, savvy? Maliki liki."

"Maliki liki!"

"Save us," Jack whispered to Will before he was taken off to the cages.

"Jack, what did you tell them?"

"Do you think he'll figure it out?" I whispered as Jack set down.

"If he want's to save Elizabeth, he will." The tribe started getting ready for the ritual and the drums played. Two natives attached a necklace of toes, to Jack's neck. "Thank you," he said. He then studied a toe before biting the tip of the nail, spitting it out. He squeezed my shoulder, and I looked up at him, knowing that we were going to run.

When it looked like they had finished building the pyre, Jack yelled, "No! No no. Oi, no no! More wood. Big fire. Big fire! I am chief, want big fire! C'mon then. Oi!" He motioned to the one behind his throne, "Maboogey snickle snickle. Toute suite. C'mon. More wood." When they weren't looking, Jack and I ran, heading back to the ship I assumed. We got to the edge of a cliff and Jack looked around. "Love, do you think you can make it back to the ship?"

"Yes, but I'm not going anywhere without you."

"You don't have a choice, go," he said, "I'll be there soon, I promise. Take this," he handed me the compass, "it works for you." I nodded taking it from him, he gave me a quick kiss, and I turned around running through the forest towards the beach, the black pearl was on. I looked at the compass, and it just pointed back towards where Jack was, I sighed and continues running till I saw Will, and the rest of the crew running, too. I caught up with them.


"Hi, are they still following you guys?" I asked.

"No." We got to the beach then, and I slowed down, looking back, "Where's Jack?"

"No, idea," I said, "he told me to get back to the ship, and that he would be here soon."

"Excellent! Our work's half done!" Gibbs told Pintel.

"We done it for you!" he replied, "Knew you'd be coming back for it."

"Make ready to sail, boys!"

"What about Jack?" Will asked, "I won't leave without him"

"I'm not leaving either," I said.

"Oi!" I heard Jack yell, as he rounded a corner, the cannibals following after him.

"Time to go," Will said.

"Uh-huh!" We all climbed aboard the ship, and I watched Jack running towards us. He climbed onto the side of the pearl and looked back at the tribe.

"Alas, my children, this is the day you shall always remember as the day that you almost," a wave splashed over him and he continued half-heartedly, "Captain Jack Sparrow."

A Pirate's Treasure |Book 2|Where stories live. Discover now