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How do I start this?


So first of all, thank you for reading this book. This was my first ever written book in my entire life and this meant a lot to me (although it's not as good as others), really.

I wanna thank all of you for still giving your time to read this fan fiction. I mean, I thought the reads would remain at 2k when I finished writing this. I was kinda surprise that we've reached this far! Oh my gosh!!! I still can't believe I reached 3k :D

Okay, that was overacting! Hahaha. Uhm, thank you for those people who are still reading, voting and dropping their comments even though this is already finished. Also, for those who are adding this to their reading list! And I wanna congratulate everyone who reached this chapter! Hahaha. Because when I tried to read this myself, I felt like I wanna stop reading at chapter 3 and above so, I really thanked those people who patiently finished reading this book. It really means a lot to me.

To show my gratitude, I'm going to drop some few facts about this book:

• I really wanted to end this tragically, like Yannie would die because of Leukemia.

• Hanbin and Yannie will supposed to break up because of Yoonjin.

• It was supposed to be a 60-chapter story but I decided to cut it short because I lost my feels on writing. :D (SORRRRRYYY!!)

• I'm listening to four sad songs repeatedly while writing a chapter.

• There are lots of plot twist like Sewon would envy Yannie because of Yoonjin, Yannie will be jealous over Hanbin's new friend (a trainee), and Sewon would make Yannie's life miserable because Sewon likes Yoonjin, but Yoonjin likes Yannie.

• Yoonjin isn't going to be an antagonist :D

And that's all! :D Hope you enjoyed reading Stay (even though it's not worth reading) Hahaha!

Also, please check out my two new books. The Sixth Member, a Day6 fanfic and Flipp, a Day6's Young K fanfic :)

Again, thank you for reading this loves! 💗 Hope you'll support me as always ;) I love you guys so much! :) You're definitely amazing :)

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