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"And then this is the shooting range." Tord was showing Tom around after Tom had gotten changed. Tom now wore a red sweater and black jeans. Tom shivered as Tord led him to an open area by the base. "This is where soldiers test their targeting skills. Mainly our snipers in training but every soldier here has at least a few months in gun training. That is if they aren't already soldiers or marines." He chuckled.

Tom looked at the targets. Dummies with targets on their chest and their heads. He noticed three red soldiers getting ready to practice. Two grabbed rifles and the last grabbed a pistol. "Those three are some new recruits we got from Russia. Their dropouts from the army so we are retraining them." Tord smiled walking over with Tom following.

Tom watched the three shoot at the targets. Only about three bullets from each hit the target. Tord chuckled "Tom. Why don't you show them how it's done?" Tom looked at Tord as Tord handed him a pistol. Tord nudged him forwards and the three young soldiers moved out of the way. Tom looked at the target with his voids.

He raised the gun and shot three times hitting the target dead center in both the head and the chest. The three young soldiers marveled at the small brunette. Tords silver eyes gleamed with pride and admiration. He clapped and smiled warmly at Tom making the smaller males face heat up. "Incredible Thomas. Come, we have more to see." Tom walked back to his side and Tord put his arm around tom resting his hand on his shoulder. Tom looked back at the three soldiers who were trying to copy Tom's perfect shooting.

Tord led Tom inside. "Why don't I show you the combat training room? Or would you-" Tord was interrupted by Tom's rumbling stomach. Tom's cheeks flushed embarrassed. Tord laughed a bit. "Why don't we go get you some dinner, considering you smashed Pat's soup." He teased. "Shut up." Tom huffed his face bright red.

Tord chuckled "awww don't be like that beautiful~" Tord purred. The brunette growled and huffed crossing his arms. "Alright alright I'll stop princess." Tord kissed Tom's cheek and Tom couldn't help but smile a little.

Tord walked down the hallway with Tom to where the mess hall was. Tord walked in and the loud mess hall went quiet. Tom moved a bit closer to Tord. Tord walked in calmly and Tom quickly followed looking around nervously. He heard whispers as he was passing.

'Who is he?'
'Is he the gypsy?'
'He's not from around here.'
'Maybe from America?'
'His skin is to fair! Maybe russia!'
'What about his eyes?'

Tom shrunk closer to Tord. Tord looked down at him and smiled. "Don't worry min kjære." He leaned down and whispered in the brunettes ear. "Soon they will all respect you and follow you as their leader. And then, so will the entire world." Tom shivered a bit at his warm yet cold voice.

Tord lifted Tom's chin to look at him. Tom's voids met Tord's gleaming silver eyes. "The entire world will be at our feet. We'll rule the world and no one will stand in our way." He took Tom's hand with his cold metallic one. "And no one will separate us." His eyes gleamed. He whispered to Tom squeezing his hand a bit. "The world will all worship you. They will see you how I do." Tom swallowed a bit. "A-and how do you see me...?" He said quietly. Tord chuckled and his eyes glimmered.

"Perfect and powerful."

Mission Impossible (WTFutureXSpy AU)Where stories live. Discover now