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Location: Colmar, Germany. Secret rebellion base.

Edd was currently making plans for his to invade Norway. There was no direct location but he knew it was in Norway. He sat at his desk going through papers mumbling to himself. He took a sip from his cola can to focused to notice Matt had walked in.

Matt quietly closed the door. He walked up to Edd's desk. "Edd." Edd jumped and looked up at him. "Oh..hey Matt." He set his pen down. "Edd you don't really believe this guy do you?" Matt said quietly. "Who?" "Scotts. You don't believe Scott's do you?" Edd looked confused at first. "I do..? Why do you ask?" "Edd we do t know this man. What if he's leading us into a trap?" "Matt. We have no other leads. This is our one chance to get Tom back." Edd said. Matt looked hesitant and hurt.

"But look what happened the last time we trusted someone we didn't know!" "Matt what is really bothering you?" Edd knew Scott's was not the only thing bothering Matt. "I'm bothered by the fact that your trusting a stranger that just walked in with pictures of Tord and two other men! We don't know when those photos were taken and Tom wasn't in them! Tord could've been here for years and that picture could've been taken anywhere! We have no reason to trust him!" Matt argued.

"Matt he's all we got. If he does know where Tom is we have to find if he's telling the truth." Edd said calmly. Matt crossed his arms and looked away. Edd stood up and rounded his desk. He put his hands on Matt's shoulders. "Matt..hey what's wrong?" Matt shrugged him off and sighed. "I'm worried that..that we may be to late. What if he's not in Norway? What if he's dead? What if he's locked away somewhere and he's being tortured? What if we never find him?!" Matt started to tear up.

Edd pulled the ginger into a tight hug. "Hey hey calm down it's ok. It's ok." The ginger gripped onto him burying his face in his chest. "I-I'm scared Edd.." "I know I'm scared to." He lifted the males chin to look at him. "But we'll find him. Ok? I promise." Matt nodded and sniffed. Edd wiped his tears and looked him in the eyes. Matt blinked and relaxed a bit. Edd leaves in and pressed his lips against Matt's. Matt flushed and kissed back.

They held the kiss for a long moment when there was a knock on the door. They pulled away flushed and quickly got off of each other. "Um enter." Edd said straightening his jacket. A soldier walked in excited "sir! We found Tom!" Matts eyes lit up. "W-what?! Where!" "I'm right here." Tom moved out from behind the soldier. Matt ran up and hugged the small male. "Oh my god Tom! You're ok!"

Tom hugged back. Edd sighed in relief. "Tom where did they take you?" He asked dismissing the other soldier. Tom paused. "I was in Germany. I don't know where though. All I know is that I got out, caught a plane, and came to the base." "Well we are-" there was a massive explosion that shook the whole building. Alarms started blaring and shouts were heard. A female soldier ran in. "Sir the red army is attacking!" Tom tensed.

The three friends all rushed out to where the explosion was. There was a massive hole in the wall. Out in the distance, an army stood with tanks and machine guns. Tom saw Tord at the front standing on a tank by the gun. "Rebellion! I am here to make an agreement." Edd glanced at matt and motioned him. Matt nodded and ran off. Tom was to focused on Tord. "Give me Thomas. And I'll spare your base."

Edd looked at Tom. Tom nodded "I can do it." "Tom-" "please Edd. I'll be ok. I'll send you a call if anything goes wrong." To Tom's suprise, Edd agreed. Tom ran through the panic filled halls. Tom panted running to the front of the base. 'How did he find me?!' He asked himself as he ran out the front doors. He say Tord signal his weapons down. Tom smiled widely and the brunette ran to the larger male.

Tord smiled seeing him. He jumped off the tank and ran to Tom. The brunette jumped into Tord's arms. "Tord..how did you find me?" He buried his face in his chest. "You left me a note." Tom blinked. He had completely forgot the note. "You thought I was just gonna let you get away?" Tord teased letting go of Tom taking his hand. Tom giggled a bit. "Let's go-" the sound of a gunshot rang out and Blood splattered onto Tom's face and chest. Tord's silver eyes widened.

He clutched a bullet would to the lower right side of his chest near his stomach. "TORD!!" Tom screamed as Tord fell to his knees. Blood fell from his mouth "f-fæn..." Tom pulled Tord to his chest. "T-Tord. Stay with me ok? J-just stay awake.." black tears fell from his eyes. Tord looked around frantic breathing heavily. Soldiers ran to the two. They spoke in Norwegian and a medic ran up. Tom looked back at the rebellion base. "You killed him...:" he whispered to himself as he cried. Soldiers called for a truck. Tom held Tord as the medics worked on him.

Tom stared straight at Matt...who was on the roof holding a sniper rifle.

Sorry for the crappy chapter guys. 😅 hope you enjoy. ~wolfie

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