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Tom walked through the ballroom dressed as a waiter. The ballroom was crowded with women in fancy ball gown while men wore sharp suits. Tom was struggling to walk through the crowd. Although his thin frame made it easy to slip past some people, The movement of the people made it difficult to maneuver through them. He looked around. No one has ever seen the red leader. So tom was completely unprepared. He had no idea what or who he was looking for.

He steadied his tray in his right hand trying to act natural. It was hard to keep balance of the tray while walking through everyone. Suddenly, someone bumped into Tom tripping him. Tom yelped sharply and tensed to hopefully lessen the blow. The tray and glass fell to the floor but Tom was caught by two strong arms. He was hoisted up onto his feet still be held by a larger male. The smaller males voids for eyes opened and looked at the person who had caught him.

He smiled a charming smile, his eyes were grey and were dull like clouds, his jaw was strong and his dirty blonde hair was cleaned and looked like horns. He had scars on the right side of his face but they were old but definitly noticable. The scent coming off of him was a sharp pine wood smell. Tom felt his heart skip a beat and his face flush, his body tensing relizing the strangers arms were still around him. "You alright there darling?" He spoke his heavy norwegian accent deep and clear. His grey eyes studied Tom. Tom tried to find words but they caught in his throat. The stranger chuckled. This made Tom flush more. "Cat caught your tongue darling?" He smiled again. Tom gulped.

"I-I'm alright sir.. I'm sorry I-I bumped into you.." He stuttered. Crap why did he stutter?! The stranger chuckled again. "Not to worry darling it was my fault." He bent down and started cleaning up the glass with his hand. Tom noticed a bit of red beneath his right glove but didn't think to much of it. He went to help the stranger pick up the glass. He noticed he was strongly built like a soldier but his eyes were intelligent and sharp. The stranger swept the glass onto the tray before Tom could reach for it. Then, with a cold clasp of his right hand, helped Tom up smiling at him. Tom felt his heart flutter.

"You sure your alright?" He said gently, giving him the tray. Tom quickly nodded. "Y-yeah! I'm ok." He smiled, weak to the knees with embarrasment. The stranger smiled at him his cold silver eyes flashing with amusment. Tom relized he must look like an idiot...but his disguise was working. He shuffled nervously and looked down. The stranger lifted his chin with a cold gloved finger. Tom's face turned a bright red at the stranger's charming smile. They were close their bodies 3-4 inches apart while the stranger kept his arm firmly around Tom's waist. "You have lovely eyes darling." He said smoothly, smiling at tom. Tom blushed his heart racing when he heard a call. "Sir!" The stranger looked up over Tom at who had called. He let go of Tom allowing him to take a step back.

A man with chocolate eyes messy brown hair walked up. His hair was pulled into a small lazy ponytail and he was slim and tall. He wore a uniform that Tom had never seen before. The taller man bent down a bit and whispered something into the dirty blonde's ear. The stranger listened a smile spreading on his face. "Ah, pitiful timing. Well darling, it's been a pleasure talking to you but it seems I have buisness to attend to." He took Tom's hand gently and kissed his knuckles sweetly, staring into the other males eyes. Tom blushed madly. The stranger walked away with the taller man. Tom felt his heart sink as he watched them walk away.

Why was he disappointed that he left? He quickly shook off the feeling. He had to focus. The brunette walked off and continued his mission.

But he couldn't get the stranger out of his head...


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