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Tobias flew out to Arizona this morning, and luckily it was an eight AM flight, so I could get to school on time without having to take a half day. It was rough though, watching him take his suitcase out of the trunk and walking with him until we reached security. I was a blubbering mess of course, with these ridiculous pregnancy hormones making me twice as emotional as I regularly would have been.

Once I finally let him out of my grasp and watch him get into the line, I wipe the tears from under my eyes and turn to walk back to the car before I begin crying again. God, I sound like an idiot.

Thankfully I'll be at school all day and have my students to distract me, but once I go home tonight and find the apartment empty of Tobias, I know I won't be able to hold it in. Stupid hormones.

As a way to get my mind off of him, I turn up the radio on the way to school.

Just like I thought, my students kept me occupied throughout most of the day—until I got home. Once I get through the initial attack of the dogs, I realize Tobias isn't going to greet me at the door too. As consolation for his absence, I bend down to scratch behind Auggie's ears. Surprisingly, Koda is up from his bed and walking towards me. He whines, rubbing his head against my belly. Tobias is his person, so, honestly, it's not that weird that Koda gets upset and comes running to me when Tobias leaves.

"I know buddy," I murmur, running my hand up and down Koda's back. "I miss him too." Koda whines once more, and follows me to the kitchen where I set my backpack down on the island. Koda continues to follow me around for awhile, and even when I go to the bathroom, he sits outside the door whimpering and scratching at it.

After my quick dinner (top ramen for the win, y'all), I grab my laptop out of my backpack and FaceTime Tobias. He picks up within the first ten seconds and once I see his handsome smile I feel a thousand times better.

"Hi gorgeous," Tobias starts, taking a bite of his dinner. How he gives me butterflies every time we I see him I'll never know.

"Hey babe," I reply, offering a small smile while running my hand over my face.

"Are you okay?" he asks, concern appearing on his face.

"Yeah, Tobs, I'm good. Just exhausted like always."

"Okay, is it fine for you take some NyQuil? Maybe you could just turn on a show and knock yourself out and get some good sleep tonight," Tobias suggests. Literally all I want to do right now is reach through that stupid computer screen and be in his arms.

"I think it's okay, but I'll look it up to make sure," I answer, running my hand in circles over my belly.

"How many weeks are you, again?"

"Just over 15."

"Moving right along, baby," Tobias says, grinning from ear to ear.

"I know, this little one is growing too fast."

"I miss you like crazy, Tris. I think I'm going to go insane being away from you for 30 days." Tobias brushes his fingers through his hair and sighs.

"Me too babe. It sucks."

"Yeah tell me about it," he groans, leaning towards the camera with his elbows on the table.

"Buck up buttercup! You're in Arizona getting paid to play the sport you love! Plus, when you get back we can find out the gender of our baby! You have a lot to look forward to, Tobias, and I'm just excited to be in your arms again," I respond, attempting to lift his mood. Apparently it works, because he laughs lightly and smiles wide.

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