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The past two weeks with Riley have been a dream. Not including the sleep deprivation of course. I really don't mind it though, I love it when Riley finishes eating in the middle of the night and lays on my chest as I try to put him back to sleep. Getting Riley to fall back asleep usually entails me softly singing to him. I think he likes "You Are My Sunshine" and "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".

Usually when Riley wakes up in the middle of the night, I try to keep Tobias sleeping, but sometimes he wakes up too. If that happens, then he'll stay up with me until I fall asleep.

It's about three in the morning now, I just got done feeding Riley and he's just chilling on my chest like normal. I hum the tune of "You Are My Sunshine", and lightly run my hand over his little body. Soon enough, Riley is zonked out, so, trying not to wake him, I remove him from my chest and place him in the bassinet next to the bed.

That holds him over until a little before six, then I repeat what I did earlier and fortunately catch a couple more hours of sleep after. When I wake the next time, the bed is empty and Riley is awake and fidgeting in his bassinet.

"Good morning, bubba!" I say happily, picking him up and pressing a kiss to his forehead. Opening the curtains, light starts pouring into the room and settles all over Riley and I. Riley stretches in the sunlight, making me laugh. "You like that, don't you, bubba?" After letting him lay in the sun for a few minutes, I carry him to the kitchen, where Tobias is finishing up making breakfast.

"Good morning, you two," Tobias says, leaning over to kiss my forehead. He sets down the spatula he was using as I pass Riley over to him. "Hey Riles!" Tobias also kisses Riley's forehead before holding him against his shoulder.

I put the scrambled eggs and hash browns that Tobias made onto to plates for us and pour us two glasses of orange juice. We move to the table, and Tobias gives Riley back to me so I can feed him again while we eat. Once we're all done, Tobias sets the dishes in the sink and takes Riley from my arms.

"You should go shower," he suggests. "I got him."

"Thank you," I reply, kissing his cheek and then Riley's head before heading to the bathroom.

I'm not gonna lie, I definitely took my time during and after that shower. It was nice to have that time to myself, but as I was blow drying my hair I realized how much I actually wanted to be in the living room with my husband and my son.

My hair is also super long and super thick, so it takes an extremely long time to dry it. That was one of the reasons why I wanted and still want to cut it, but I think I'm too afraid to actually go through with it. I've had long hair at least since middle school, so I have no idea what my life is like without my long hair. To be honest, I'll probably cut my hair once Riley gets really grabby and I get annoyed with his hands constantly knotting my hair.

Once I've finished getting ready (which literally means nothing, the most strenuous things I've done are put on jeans and blow dry my hair), I walk back out to the living room to find Tobias sleeping on the couch with Riley laying on his chest. I pull my phone out of my back pocket and snap a picture of the two of them, the sight making me smile. Tobias was nervous about being a dad, and I honestly have no idea why, because he's the sweetest and most caring father.

My phone begins to ring, and I look at the screen to see that Emma is FaceTiming me. I answer the call, and plop down onto the couch next to Tobias.

"Where's my nephew?" she asks as soon as the call connects.

"Wow, hello to you too, Em," I tease.

"Hello, Beatrice Eaton!" Emma jokingly exclaims and I just roll my eyes at her. "No but seriously I really wanna see him." Mom and the girls were going to fly over to Chicago right after Riley was born, but it was so close to the start of school that Mon decided not to.

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