Chapter 38

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I woke up with the sheets scattered around my bare body, my hair was spread out over the pillows, and I just simply stared up at the ceiling.

I turned my head slowly to look outside, and I was surprised to see that it actually looked cold. Outside was a weary blue color that reminded me so much of when I woke up early every morning to go to my college classes.
The clouds were clumped together as they loomed heavily over everyone.
I sighed and threw the sheets off of myself as I sat up to crack my back.

There was a glass of juice on the nightstand, and I was sure that Cameron had put it there from me for when I was to wake up. I grabbed the glass and took a few big gulps till the glass was simply empty.

Placing the glass back onto the nightstand, I placed my feet on the side of the bed, and immediately shivered. I stood up and walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth, shower, and fix my hair up.

I walked out feeling like complete shit and slipped on one of my oversized hoodies that Cameron had bought me as a present. The hoodie was a soft baby blue and in pink bold letters read 'Daddy's Girl." In perfect cursive.
He got it for me a few days after he ate me out and I had called him daddy.

Classic Cameron.

Slipping on a pair of underwear, I walked out of the room and was shocked to see Cameron sitting on the couch watching tv.

He held his arms out to me as I approached. I stood in front of him and he placed his hands on my hips, turning my back to him, and pulled me down to sit between his legs. He put his arms around me and pulled me into a comfortable position.

He pulled my legs up by my knees, tucking my body easily into his.

"Morning, baby," Cameron said softly as he placed a chaste kiss on my jaw. "you feeling okay?"

I nodded slightly with a shrug as I pushed myself into him. He chuckled and held me tighter as he placed a kiss on my temple.

"Can you stay with me for today?" I asked softly as I played with his fingers. Specifically, the promise ring on his finger.
His brows furrowed guiltily as he bit his lip.
"I already had plans to meet with Giovanni. He texted me claiming that, what he has to tell me is important.." he explains.

I feel myself deflate in his hold as I release a shaky sigh.

"What's wrong, princess?" He asks as he moves my hair to the side, placing gentle kisses against my neck.

"I, I don't feel good." I mumble as I try to relax further into his hold.

"What doesn't feel good?" He asks as he rubs his hands along my legs.

"I don't know..I just feel weird." I mumble.

"Are you in pain?" He asks as he combs his fingers through my hair. I shake my head no and close my eyes. "Maybe you just need more sleep." He speaks more to himself as he picks me up in his arms and cradles me to his chest.

He walks me back to bed and lies me in the sheets as I watch with exhausted eyes. He pulls the sheets over me and cups my cheeks as he places a warm kiss against my lips. "I love you, principessa." He mumbled gently as his lips feather mine.

"I love you too, baby." I close my eyes and let myself fall into the clutches of the dark.

I was suddenly woken up to bumping and voices that surrounded me.
My body felt heavy as I tried to sit up.

Once I was able to get the strength I sat up and saw two men besides me and two people in the front.
I looked around as my stomach plummeted.

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