Chapter 23

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Sorry I haven't posted in so long. School started a little while ago, and I haven't had time to update. But I will try my best to update more:))

Cameron's Pov.*

I sat across from Giovanni's desk, as we tried to figure out a plan to get Hazel and Mya back, but everything just seemed like a complete fail.
It's been a full week, and no trace of any of them.

I've sent out almost approximately ten search parties, but nothing.

It could have been anyone at this point.

But who?

"Cammy. Stiamo provando tutto .. abbiamo solo bisogno di un po 'di tempo-/"Cammy. We are trying everything...we just need some more time-"

I cut him off as I stand up, gripping my hair in my fists.

"Gio! .. non ho cazzo tempo! Possono fare qualcosa a loro .. a lei ..."/Gio!...I don't have fucking time! They can be doing anything to her.."

I let out a frustrated sigh as I sit back down.
"For all I know..she can be dead." I whisper as I look down at my lap, feeling like the little boy I once was, who gave up on everything, just because it didn't go my way.

"Non lo dici, Cammy! Se la amavi lei non avrebbe rinunciato a questo facilmente."/"dont you say that, Cammy! if you loved her you wouldnt give up this easily.." Giovanni scolds me.

"I just want her back."
*Hazels Pov.*

I don't know how long we have been here, but from what I can's been days.

I lied by myself on the ground..shivering.

I've been beaten more times than I can's like my father all over again....but a shorter span of time.

He'd taken away our clothing, leaving us in our undergarments. I wait quietly for Mya and the man to return, because he had taken her a few minutes ago to see if he could get anything out of her.

We'd be lucky if we left alive.

He has starved us, only giving us each one small and hard portion of a roll, that could barely feed a family of mice.

Where's Cameron?

Somewhere inside I hoped he would find us and help us hope is somehow lost amongst other things that cloud my mind.

There just comes a point where it all becomes too much. When we get too tired to fight anymore..we just give up.

I could barely open my eyes at this point, but I knew I just had to hold on a bit longer.

I know there were so many things and people I should be thinking about, at this moment if was only him that swam around in my thoughts, splashing my mind with images of us.


A tear rolled down my cheek but I wince when it seeped into one of the fresh wounds I had gotten earlier.

The metal door opens sending a ear splitting noise through the air.
My body freezes in fear knowing it was my turn.
But I know nothing.

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