Chapter 21

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My head..spinning.

My eyes...stiff.

I couldn't move. I was locked down in a chair.

Where am I?

I tried to open my mouth, to find out that I was restricted.

I hear a door creek open, but I couldn't tell from where, cause the noise of the door creaking just if it were taunting me. Making my head whirl.

Heavy steps hit the floor, getting closer and closer every second, forcing my heart to beat out of control.

The heavy steps are soon quieted and replaced with a thick and fraught silence.

I thrash around in the chair I'm in, as I pulls against the thick metal restraints that bind my wrists down to the arms of the chair.

I know it's useless.

A deep, malicious chuckle rasps through the room, sending a shiver down my spine, as I wait for my fate.

I jump when the sudden feeling of his finger lightly brushes down my cheeks, making me scream through the tape that conceals my lips.

"Shhh." His voice slithers out of his lips, as he suddenly retracts his hand from my cheeks.

The tape is suddenly ripped from my mouth and I clench my jaw, as I try to hold in the pain.

The chuckling starts again..but this time it's more exuberant..and quiet.

"Who are you?" I rasp, from not talking for awhile.

"It is not of the importance, child." He muses. "But the question that we are all dying to find out, my darling.." he pauses taking a dramatic pause. "is..who are you and what can for you me." He laughs..but his laugh is so sadistic, almost resembling the laugh of the Mad Hatter. Sick.


"What do you want?" I snarl.

The foot steps start again and I tense when he begins to circle me. Slowly. Having a hint of curiosity to each step he takes.

"Lets play a game.." he whispers as he stops behind me. "I'll give you a riddle, and you have to answer correctly." He murmurs.

"And what if I get it wrong?" I grit out through my teeth.

The room goes completely silent for a second until he burst out laughing, as it echoes in the room, bouncing off the walls.

"Okay, first riddle." He murmurs, as he begins to walk around me again.

Stalking me like I'm his prey.

"You get to choose, but you cannot see." He begins as he gently grabbing a piece of my hair.."but behind these doors, you choose who is to be.." he twirls the small strand of hair around his finger. "You love you connection not known." He whispers gently into the air "but one must go...a life for a life...a soul for a soul." He says as he drops my hair, letting it fall limp on my shoulder. "Left or right, darling?"

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I grumble, as I try to pull against the restraints.

"Left or right." He repeats again, agitating me to far levels.

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