Chapter 45

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   Sorry for the long wait! I'm really busy and I only really have times to write on the weekends (rarely), but I try!
   I hope you enjoy the chapter:))

Jewel's Pov.

   It was just Hadley, Hazel, and I left in the house. Everyone else was called out by their boss, Giovanni, to discuss the new precautions that were going to be taken, considering some of Giovanni's men had helped Elliot and Iris kidnap Hazel.

   Hadley ran around, in her mini pink dress, playing one of her many mindless games, but I was glad she had something to occupy herself with, while I tidied up the penthouse a little bit.     

It's been hours and Hazel hasn't woken up yet, and they had strictly instructed me to feed her immediately after she woke up.

   "Hey Had, why don't you go play with your new dolls, and I'll go wake up Hazel?" I offered, as I squatted down to her height. She nodded vigorously and began to skip away, but I grabbed her arm gently, tugging her back, and smiled once again as she looked at me with pure confusion.
   "Remember to be quiet." I mumbled and she nodded slowly before pulling away and running to her dolls, her new dolls, her small feet slapping noisily against the wooden boards.

   I sighed shaking my head and stood up, my knees cracking, as I walked softly into Cameron and Hazel's room.

   Hazel was knocked out. Her arms lied limp over the edge of the bed, and her head at an odd angle, promising soreness and aching, when she was to wake.

   I bit my lip and walked up to the bed. Just as I was about to place a single finger to her arm, my phone 'pinged'.
   I pulled it out from my back pocket and stared at the bright screen, specifically the message.

   Better be on my bed with you legs spread by the time I get back home, slut.

   That was the seventh text message I had received for the anonymous number, and every message was worse than the last.
   I wasn't dumb. I knew who was sending me the crude messages, but I kept ignoring them, hoping that with just a little more time I could secure Hadley with a home, then go back to them.

   I couldn't run forever.

   A grave sigh left my lips as I placed my phone back in my back pocket, shaking Hazel gently till her eyes fluttered open.

   And just as I had predicted she grimaced and whined as she rubbed her sore neck.

   "Fuck." A string of curses left her lips as she groaned in pain.

   "I know.." I winced as I watched her stretch her neck in all directions possible. "I saw the way you were sleeping and I woke you up. You must have been sleeping like that for awhile." I sympathized.

   Hazel sighed and looked down at the sheets in front of her as her frail fingers smoothed out the soft silk bedding.

    I could tell her mind still wasn't as present as I would have liked, but what could I say, she's been though a lot in the past months.

   While she was gone, I could tell that Cameron and Kennedy had grown a disliking towards me. For some reason they believed that I was helping Elliot and Iris all along.

   "I'm gonna go make your lunch now.." I murmured as I stood off of the bed, knitting my fingers together. "Is pasta fine?" I asked. Hazel's eyes snapped up to me. For a second she was quiet as she just watched my face. Then she opened her mouth, but closed it and just went with a simple nod.

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