Chapter 7

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Me, Mya, and Vanessa all ended up going to panda to talk over stuff that I've missed

We were halfway through our meal and a question pops into my head

"What's the story between The companies of Cameron and Damien, and why their at each other throats?"

Vanessa and Mya both sighed and looked at me

"If you were here in the beginning when Cameron asked you to come to Italy with would be way more easier to explain" Mya said as she looked at me

I poked at my orange chicken and looked back at her

"Can you at least tell me the base of it or the main deal?" I asked

" so it started when Cameron's dad got Cameron to join the family business, everyone knew once Liam and Cameron's dad let go of the business do to his old age, it would go to Liam, so everything was going great in the beginning until Damien wanted what was ours to begin with....territory. We asked him to give it up since it was rightfully ours but he never wanted to.....Damien always like to get his way with things. Damien's company and our company are very high in the stocks and familia's in New York and Washington, Damien would use his sick games and tricks to push us into the dark where he had his advantages, he would gather info on us and use it against us...he was playing with fire, because one wrong move and his whole company and mafia would burn to ashes. But we all have to admit...Damien is a really smart guy...we had to play out cards right if we wanted to stay on high grounds with him. Right now Cameron and Liam are trying to make a deal with Damien to leave our territory's the deal was either give him $1.6k, I know it doesn't sound like a lot but for a company to give away money due to weakness...It will bring our company down if anyone finds out. The other deal is he kills all of us one by one....some of us he will kill physically...but others of us mentally." Mya said in a monotoned voice but under that voice you could hear hate. But not just any hate you feel when your friend betrays you...but hate for Damien a blood clenching hate that can never go away

I looked at her eyes intensely soaking up all of what she had just told me

"So you guys are just going to give him the money" I said as my voice raised causing some people to give us strange looks

"W-we don't know yet." Vanessa said seriously

"You know...I went with Cameron to one of his meetings with Damien...and he made a different deal...but Cameron denied it" I said obviously frustrated "the deal was Damien take me or we give him the money by a week...and Cameron f*cking chose me!" I whisper yelled.

I'm not being ungrateful or anything...its just the fact that he risked his company being leveled down...for me.

"you should be happy...he still cares for you." Vanessa said with her eyebrows furrowed

"I know. But...I just feel guilty." I admit

"He did the right thing." They both said in unison

We all laughed and calmed down after a few seconds

"We should probably eat our's getting cold." Mya said

We all agreed and ate our food and talked
It was about 3:09 am and I got out of bed and went to the bathroom

My hair was messy and I was sweating and I had bags forming under my eyes

This look really wasn't that new to me because ever since me and Cameron split I got nightmares constantly every night

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