Chapter 30

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Just a little announcement: I am editing and fixing some parts of the first book 'No More Running". So if you want to reread go ahead! You don't have to if you don't want to though;))) Enjoy!

AND short chapter:(( sorry I've been kinda busy!!

I lie alone on Cameron's bed. It was around eight in the morning and Cameron wasn't here.
Vanessa, Cole, Oliver, and I were planning on a movie night later on today, but the worst part of it was the fact that Cameron had ruined my whole mood so I couldn't even find that enjoyable.

I decided to leave the room and get ready as I dressed in a simple black tank top and sweat pants, tying my hair into a bun.
I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge, picking out some orange juice and pouring it into a cup.

I lied down on the couch sipping my juice as I spaced out while the tv made useless chatter in the back.

An hour passed.

Then two.

Then three.

Then four.

I didn't hear the front door open until I saw a pair of slightly muscular legs in front of me.
Vanessa smiles down at me and I groan, turning onto my stomach.
My neck felt incredibly stiff as I reached for my phone on the coffee table.

"Have you been here all day?" Vanessa asks, eyeing the empty glass on the table.
"Mhm." I hummed as I rested my cheek against the cushion.

So soft.

"Where's Cameron?" Vanessa asks as she grabs the glass and walks it over to the kitchen.

"I don't know. Maybe with Giovanni or something." I mumble as I let out an exhausted sigh.
She nods, walking back over to me, and squats down to my eye level, clasping her hands together.

"Wanna come out somewhere with me?"

I look at the time on my phone and nod. It's only 12:27 so i still have about seven hours till movie night.
I slowly get off of the couch and slip on some sandals.

I grab my purse and sunglasses as she waits at the door.

We walk out of the building as Vanessa spins her lanyard around her finger and I just watch mesmerized. I honestly never knew how I felt about people doing that.

I slip into the passenger side of her Jeep and she gets into the driver's seat.
"Where are we going?" I asked as she pulled out of the parking lot.

"I first wanna go buy some new workout sneakers, and then after go out to eat or something." She says taking a turn.
I nod and she turns on some music.

"Why wasn't Cameron at the proposal?" She asks, bobbing her head to the music.

"Giovanni apparently called him in yesterday." I mumbled, watching every sign that past me by.

Vanessa's eyes leave the road for a second as she looks at me and then back at the road.
"Giovanni wasn't even in yesterday..he was visiting Olivia to make sure she was okay. And now that I mention it..Giovanni isn't going to be in for the next few days." She mumbles.

"Oh." It was all I could say, as I fiddled with my fingers.

"Is everything okay between you two?" She asks as she takes small glances my way.
"I honestly don't know. I somehow made him mad last night and he yelled at me.." I sighed.
"He's probably just stressed. I mean this is a really tough business and sometimes relationships are... complicated." Vanessa tries to reason and I nod.

"I guess."

My feet are throbbing. "Just one more store and I promise we can go get food." Vanessa begs as she pulls me through the mall.

"No!" I screamed, making eyes look in our direction. I blush and look her straight in the eyes. "I'm done." I hissed, yanking my wrist from her hold.

She quickly rolled her eyes and flicks me on the forehead. "Stop being such a drama queen. One more store isn't going to kill you." Vanessa scolds, and I pout as she pulls my sore feet and I toward H&M.

She looks around for a new leather coat and I just mindlessly look through the clothing racks, when I accidentally bump into someone.

I quickly squat down to pick up my purse and sunglasses that had fallen to the ground.

"I-I'm so sorry!" I hear a slightly deeper feminine voice call out.

I look up and I'm met with her stunning avocado green eyes. She looks shaken up as if she had seen a murder, but nevertheless she was beautiful.

Her skin resembled that of smooth caramel as she ran her small hand down her forearm. Wildly frizzed hair outlined her face giving it an almost perfect shape as she stared down at me.
Though my eyes couldn't help but stare at the freshly made cut that ran down her cheeks and the bruise just above her eyebrow.

"It's fine..." I almost whispered as I stared. I could feel my mouth hanging slightly open as my eyes ran over her.

She's stunning—I not going to lie—but I could see the slight malnourished look she gave off.

She nodded as she turned and began to walk away.

"Wait!" I called as I stood to full height and run to her. I knew what I was going to ask would sound odd considering I've never met her in my life, but in this moment it felt like I needed to help her..

"Do you wanna come over tonight? I'm having a movie night with some friends if you want to join.." I offer as I send her a light smile.

She stared at me with a straight face and I slightly lost my smile.

"No thanks.." she mumbles as she turns to leave again. I grab her arm and she flinches making me let go of her.

"I'm sorry.." I say with slightly big eyes. "I totally understand though..I'm a stranger." I say as I put my hands up with a slight laugh. "My names Hazel White," I introduce. "I know basic, but what can I say, my mom loved the name." I joke.

She lets out a slight chuckle and my eyebrows raise in shock.

"Jewel." She says with an outstretched hand. "Jewel Beckett" she finishes with a smile.

We look around the store, and I give her my number and address, until she tells me that she had to be on her way.

I walked around for a few more minutes until Vanessa came running towards me with an H&M bag hanging from a single finger.

"Look!" She squeals as she pulls out the leather product from the bag, shoving it in my face.
I push it away with a small smile on my face.
"It's nice." I chuckle as she squeals like a child on Christmas Day.

"Okay now we can go get foo-" but I don't let her finish for I'm already out of the shop and running down the stairs of the mall.

Food court here I come.

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