Chapter 23

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Ashley POV

"Lily was going through hell with those Chemo dosages. She felt sick. She came running to us with a panic attack saying those dosages were high" I said to the risk management directors.

"Dr. King, I think I don't need to remind you. That's what chemo does" one person said.

"That doesn't mean we have to make the patient nauseous and dehydrated" I said.

"Are you suggesting that Dr. Hunter was to blame for Lily's death?" He asked.

"I'm telling Dr. Hunter was her doctor. Then why are you suing only me and Nic?" They looked at each other.

"This ends here Dr.King. We'll call you again if needed" he said. I stood up and walked out.

Just then a nurse came in with a file. "This is Lily Kendall's autopsy" she handed the management.

He looked at it and gave me a look. "I'm sorry Dr. King. You said the heavy chemo blasts killing Ms. Kendall" he said.

I nodded. "But it says here that she died of Potassium overdose" he said. I looked at him shocked.

That is not possible.


"You told me to set the drip in the slowest setting, now why would I set it more so that she gets the entire dose in 30 minutes?" Nic asked.

"This is not right. Maybe there was a problem with the bag" I said.

"No Ash, they just want a scapegoat. And now it's me." She said in frustration.

"Nic, we'll fix this. I'll talk to them " I said.

"No, right now I want to help me. Help me collect proof." She said. Just then my phone beeped.

"They want me again in. Get Devon. He's in ER today. Do a full panel on all patients" I said. She nodded.

I walked towards the CEO office. Conrad came in front me.

"Ash, where have you been? I didn't see you for a long time" he said.

"Guess you'll not see me more too. I'm on my way to Thorpe's office" I said.

"Why? What happened?" He asked.

"Listen Con, Get Nic and Devon. They need you" I said as I started to walk away. He caught my hand.

"Hey, we'll sought it out. Alright? I promise" He said.

"Yeah, we've been telling each other same thing." I said pissed.

"Go, they need you" I said. He left my hand as I rushed towards Claire's office.


Me and Lane sat in front of the management.

"Yes, Nurse Nevin was in charge of Lily's care that night. Something came up for me. So I left one of our best Doctors        Dr. King for her aid" Lane explained.

They looked at me. "Yes,Dr. Lane gave me the file of Lily's results, and I found that her potassium levels were very low. So, I instructed Nurse Nevin to give her potassium" I said.

"I checked the results. Lily's potassium levels were indeed less. Dr. King did what has to be done. But I can't fathom how a respected nurse practitioner could make such a careless error" Lane said.

I gave her an unbelievable look. "Wait, you can't just throw that. You can't blame Nic" I told Lane.

"Do you have any other justification for the death of Lily Kendall, Dr. King?" They asked me.

I couldn't say anything because I didn't have anything. I just looked down. "What do you think was the error exactly,       Dr. Lane?" The asked her.

"Well obviously when the bag was hung, the wrong flow rate was set" Lane said.

"You're saying that Nurse Nevin set the flow rate incorrectly?" He asked.

" is possible. But I'm also...."

"Wait. What other explanation is there?" He asked. Lane gave me a look.

"At the moment, there isn't one" she said. They looked at me.

"Anything more Dr. King?" He asked. I didn't have anything. I shook my head saying 'no'.


"Ms. Thrope, I haven't seen a single patient from morning. You've been asking me to come and sit like this telling me to talk which no one is ready to listen" I shouted.

"Dr. King. We are ready to listen. But you are making false blame on one of our reputed Doctors" she said.

"Why was Dr. Hawkins not allowed to testify? He was one who coded Lily" I asked.

"Because they want their best nurse to get screwed." Conrad entered. " That's not a risk management investigation, it's a witch hunt" he said.

"Okay, Conrad. That's enough" Claire said.

"Do you know why Lane barred Nic from treating Lily those last few weeks?" Conrad asked.

"Cause Nurse Nevin was making some mistakes" she responded.

"No, she doesn't make mistakes. She catches them. I told her something was wrong. And she was the first one to find what Lane was doing" I said.

"What do you think Lane has been doing?" She asked.

"Overdosing patients with chemo, discharging patients too soon, hiding patient's records" Conrad said.

"Okay, this is ridiculous. You both want me to believe this about one of our most respected doctors at Chastain?" She asked.

"Yes. That's exactly what we're asking you to believe. And I can't stop thinking if I would've listened to Ash sooner, maybe Lily would still be alive" Conrad said.

"Lane's protocols did not kill Lily" she said again.

"A potassium overdose did. And Lane is trying to pin that overdose on Nic" I said.

"Dr. King, you gave us a statement saying you said Nic to give Lily potassium." She said.

"I did. And now I'm the fishing rod while Nic is the bait." I said. She went to protest again while Conrad stopped her.

"Come on. Clearly, something is going on here, Ms. Thorpe. Lane is up to something, and if we don't do anything..."

"Okay, Lane is devastated about Lily's death. And I'm not sure what you're insinuating, but she was nowhere near Chastain the night that she died. Lane was out to dinner with Dr. Bell" she said.

Both of us scoffed. "Perfect. The Hands of Death and Destruction is her alibi?" Conrad said.

"Keep your absurd allegations to yourself."

"If you don't open your eyes to the truth, hold on tight, because this entire hospital will come crashing down on all of us" Conrad said walking out.

I gave her one last look and followed him out. Now Lane and Bell are together. Great. Just great.

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