Chapter 2- Maureen

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After graduating from high school, Maureen went to Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandise in San Francisco to major in Merchandise Marketing. With a degree in Merchandise Marketing, she promotes fashion shows, parties, and assisting manager at Macys Store. Her brother Michael has been really mean to her since they were thirteen. Maureen did something to Michael that she regrets for the rest of her life but Michael promises to not tell his parents about it.

She is engaged now and like her parents, she wants to have a Christmas wedding in Lake Tahoe, California. But Maureen is worried about what her family might say or do when they meet her fiancée, Hayden Porter. They have been together for a year. Now Maureen is in Lake Tahoe with her parents in the cabin. She later gets a phone call from Hayden.

"Hey, baby, where are you? What seriously? Please be safe. Ok, baby, love you more." She hangs up.

Melinda Henson, now sixty and healthy walked up to Maureen. "What's wrong baby?"

"Oh," she paused, "Traffic, my baby is stuck in traffic."

"What's he like?"

She hesitated to answer. "Great, good parent. Remember I told you, Hayden is bringing Madison. He's also with Hayden."

"Oh yeah, he has a daughter. How old is she?"

" fifteen."

Melinda was looking at Maureen strangely. "Maureen, are you ok?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Ever since you got engaged, you start getting nervous."

"Well, I'm getting married. I want my wedding to be perfect and fun. We have the party planner coming tomorrow and Natalie is doing my hair and makeup. So mom, how's dad?"

"He's better. He couldn't wait to see Hayden"

"Well, I hope Michael wouldn't ruin it for me like he ruins the Christmas wedding tradition. I cannot believe that he eloped Natalie. Now, why did he do that?"

"Ever since you two were teenagers, you started having problems, in fact, what made you'll be hateful to one another?"

"I don't want to talk about it, mom. Look, it's my wedding, please let's be happy"

Melinda look at Maureen, took a deep breath, "Ok, we'll finish this conversation later"

Morgan, 62, reading his newspaper. He plans to walk Maureen down the aisle at the wedding but just had surgery in his leg two weeks ago. "Can't wait to meet this man"

"I wish this wedding cannot be a catastrophe. I hope my family would understand who I'm marrying," said Maureen, talking to herself.

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