Chapter 7-Should I tell?

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Getting ready for bed, Melinda talked to Morgan about Michael. "Do you know what's going on with Michael?"

"Like what do you mean?" asked Morgan, lying down with his reading glassing and a magazine.

"He's been changing since he went to New York and being the partner at his firm. He never talked to us, nor hangs out with us."

"Not to mention, Maureen. He and Maureen have been bumping heads since they were teenagers and Natalie is trying to have another baby."

"Tomorrow you need to talk to him. Plus, the girls and I are meeting the wedding planner, Mason. Also, we need to get ready for the wedding rehearsal, tomorrow as well."

"Baby rest and good night". They kissed.

In the other room, Natalie, in her two piece lingerie. She was walking out of the bathroom while dancing to a Marvin Gaye song in the background. She is dancing for Michael, who is lying on the bed with his cell phone.

"What are you doing?" he asked sternly.

"Trying to get pregnant."

"Baby, I'm busy"

Natalie snatched his cell phone and threw it on the floor. "Not anymore."

She kissed him all over his neck. "You know we don't have to argue, we can now have no argument and keep making a girl or boy. I brought my birth control."

Michael looked tired, "Baby, I don't want to and turn that music off."

Natalie promiscuously talked to him, "Maybe this will change your mind." She went down to his pants but stops her.

"Look, I'm not doing it. My sister is a lesbian and now you want to make a baby. Hell no. I got to make a call tomorrow. So move,"said Michael. "Turn that damn music off and put some clothes on." He fell asleep.

Natalie angerly turned the music off and put her robe on. "Well good night," she angerly said. She hit her pillow then fell asleep.

"Baby are you awake?" asked Hayden. Hayden laying her head on Maureen's chest.

"Yeah, are you excited to get married?", ask Maureen.

"I am, I just want to make everything perfect. Your brother is a hand full. How am I suppose to tell him?"

"You let me handle it."

"I prefer you didn't."

"Yes I will and he's my brother. He promises me not to tell everyone about it."

"I just want everybody to be happy."

"I know baby, just close your eyes and worry about the wedding."

"I love you so much. I'm glad your parents like me"

Maureen and Hayden kissed then fell asleep.

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