Chapter 10-Wedding Rehearsal

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The wedding rehearsal at the hotel had a lot of people. 90 guests in red and green, some in black and white outfits have attended. The wedding rehearsal is where all guests, family, and friends celebrate the engagement and have dinner and cocktail.

Everyone was having a good time.

Melinda and Morgan went to the dance floor to make a toast. Melinda tipped her glass for everyone's attention.

"Everyone may I have your attention, please?", asked Melinda.

The guests were silent to listen to Melinda and Morgan's toast.

"I want to say congratulations to our daughter, Maureen and her future life partner, Hayden," Melinda said, looking at Maureen, "Wishing them all the happiness in the world."

Morgan speaks too, "When I first met Hayden, I thought she was a man, but he was a she. I was a little shocked, however, if this makes my daughter happy then I'm happy for her and her life. Hayden, you are the most beautiful woman in the world and I want you to take care of my sweetheart."

"Will everyone please raise your glass," ask Melinda.

They all raised their glasses.

"Let's toast to the future of love and happiness for Maureen and Hayden. Cheers!" cheered Melinda.

"Cheers!" the guests said as Maureen and Hayden kissed.

"Thank you, mom and dad," gleeful Maureen. "Anything for my baby," said Melinda hugged her.

"Congratulations!" said Melody

"Melody is that you?", asked Melinda. The Henson family all saw Melody's new look created by Natalie. She has a straight hair with a china doll bang, wearing red wrap dress with gold stilettos.

"Honey you look good!" happily Maureen, "Natalie, did this?"

Natalie with bitter Michael walked up to Melody, Madison, and Hayden. Natalie answered for Melody, "Yes I did!"

"Mom, Larry is coming on his way right now. Is that ok?" asked Melody.

"He's more than welcome," said Melinda, then turned to Hayden, "Is Madison ready?"

"Well, she said she's going to chat with Michael," said Hayden.

Madison sees Michael in his chair checking his cell phone.

"Hey uncle Michael," greet Madison.

"Hi, how you been?" asked Michael when he looked at Madison.

"I'm great, you ready to see my performance, it's going to be really good."


"Why do you look like that? Should you be happy and enjoy dancing with the family?"

"Madison, sweetheart, I don't want to hurt your feelings but I don't like your mom's relationship with my sister. That's nasty. I don't want no part of this."

"Are you homophobic?"

"Well, you can say that."

"When you said 'I don't want no part of this' does this mean you don't want to be my uncle?"

"No, but--"

Hayden interrupted the conversation, "Sweetheart, get ready to sing."

"Ok", said Madison, "Look I got to go, but promise to watch my show, it will be very special, please?"

Michael smiled and said, "I promise."

"Thanks see ya."

Melody went to the dessert table to get a strawberry when a familiar voice ask, "I'm looking for a girl who has curls and she invited me to the rehearsal. Have you seen her?"

She turned around to see who was talking to her. It was Larry in his black suit with a silver tie.

"Larry, how you been?" she asked.

"Good," he said when looking at her new makeover, "You look fine."

"Thank you," said Melody, she picked up the strawberry and show it to Larry "Strawberry?"

"Sure", Larry took the strawberry but fed it to Melody. "Taste good?" he asked.

"Yeah", she answered.

"I want to make dinner tomorrow, you free?",he asked.

"Yeah, I'll be there at six p.m."

He kissed her which surprised her. Melody was excited that she found someone to be with.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please?" asked Mark, the wedding planner. He continues, "First I want to say thank you for coming tonight and I want to introduce a young woman who is the daughter of Hayden. This little one is going to be the next American Idol, please welcome, Madison"

The family and the guests all applauded and cheer for Madison as she walks to the dance floor.

The band began to play Whitney Houston "Run to You" when Madison said, "I will like to dedicate this song to my mother and my new mother and also my future uncle Michael and my future aunt Natalie."

Michael put away his phone then sits next to Natalie to listen to the song. Madison's voice was beautiful and energetic.

Everyone stop and turn their attention to Madison. They were enjoying her song, especially Michael. He held Natalie's hand while watching Madison singing. After the song was over, everyone gave her a big round of applause.

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