Chapter 12-Fixing the Family

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After the fight, the family stops talking to each other. Madison is mad at her mother, Michael went for a walk, and Natalie is regurgitating. Natalie does not know why she was sick. She went to see a doctor this morning for a checkup. The doctor gave her the news that she will never forget.

She's pregnant.

She went back to the cabin to share the news with Melinda and Morgan. Natalie explained that when she married Michael, she wanted to have his first child because she loves him so much. Now she is still upset with Michael for not telling her that he has a daughter then plans on getting a divorce. Melinda tells her to talk to Michael and figure out how to fix the relationship.

Michael enters the cabin when Melinda went to see Hayden and Maureen with the wedding. Alone together, Michael explained the real truth about his old relationship with Hayden's sister, Heather: He was 15 years old when he met 16-year-old Heather at New York University. To celebrate his 16th birthday, Michael and Heather went to see Michael Jackson in concert at Madison Square Garden. After the concert was over, they had sex at the Madison Square Garden parking lot. That's how Madison was conceived.

When he learns that Heather was pregnant he pressured her to get an abortion. Unfortunately, she refuses then left her unmarried and pregnant. Then, he wanted to go back with her to be there for their child. Heather was planning on going back to college after having the baby. One day, she was going to register for school, then she got hit by a drunk driver. He was going to see Madison on the day she died.

After learning his side of the story, Natalie said, " You gave her a gift that I always wanted. Michael, I was going to have our son, Jayden, then we lost him."

"I know," Michael choked up trying not to cry.

"We lost our baby, no, we lost three babies. Now she had your first and I have to have your second."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm pregnant, again. But I don't know maybe Ill have an abortion like you told Heather."

"Baby, it's not going to happen. Look, I've had been a hard head since I was a teen. I needed to be loved. I don't want you to leave me. I miss my times with Madison but baby you know I love you. You mean the world to me. I was afraid of losing someone and never have a moment to be a father due to my career. Remember when we first met at the diner, you were having a cookie's n crème milkshake? We later got married. Our first time buying a house." Then he holds her and continued. "The first time we made love" He kissed her neck. Baby, I'll be a good husband and father and we will accept Madison as our own child. I love you so much." He cried, "I love you, don't leave me." Natalie said, "I love you more."

Natalie wiped Michael's tears from his eyes then kissed him hard. They begin to take their clothes off and went to bed to make love. Then Michael joked, "Let's not hurt the baby". Natalie laughed then her and Michael had make-up sex.

Meanwhile, Melody is having a good time with Larry. They are playing Scrabble at his house. Melody discusses Larry her family drama.

"I think there's not going to be a wedding tomorrow."

Larry was confused then asked, "Why?"

"Have you ever had someone keep a secret from you for a long time?"


"Well let's say, Madison, Maureen's soon-to-be stepdaughter, is my niece. Our niece."

"What are you talking about?"

"Michael, my brother has a daughter, with Hayden's sister, Heather."

"Hayden has a sister?"

"Yeah", she continues, "When Mike was fifteen, he got Hayden's sister, Heather pregnant. After her sister died, Hayden took her in and raised Madison as her own child. So, Madison's real mother is Heather."

"Damn, that means Hayden is her auntie? How long she's been keeping this secret from Madison?"

"Madison was a baby, so she kept it a secret for sixteen years. Did you know Mike told me that I was jealous of him? I wanted to kick him in the throat. In fact, kicked him in the balls for having a baby at wedlock."

"That's some Jerry Springer shit". Larry holds Melody in her arms then said, "I would never keep secrets from you. I was married before and my wife was sleeping with someone else. She got pregnant and I was hoping if I'm the father. After the baby was born, I did a blood test then I found out it was not my kid. So we got a divorce. I would be open and honest. Your family will work it out."

Larry looked at Melody then kissed her. Melody was shocked but kissed him back. Together they were making out. Larry took her in his room and lay her on the bed. Melody climbed on top of him and started taking her sweater off. Larry took his shirt off then kiss her. Melody try to take his pants off then ask, "You have a condom?"

"Yeah its in my drawer."

He gets up to get the condom, then he remove his pants. Melody took her jeans off and her thong. Larry put his condom on and put a lubricant around his penis. Melody pulled him with her legs open. She helped him place his dick in her vagina. Melody said, "'I've been waiting to do this for so long." Larry laughed and kissed her. They were making love on his bed. Larry moaned and kiss Melody's neck. She got on top of him, going fast and scream his name. She climaxed loudly and Larry did too. They breathed heavily and lay next to each other.

"That was amazing," said Melody.

"Wow, that was so good. Damn, you are a good, how long you staying here?"

"The day after the wedding."

"That soon, can you stay another day, not because we slept together?"

Melody smiles and said, "I can arrange that." She kissed Larry then lay on his shoulder to sleep.

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