Chapter 5-Getting to Know Hayden

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"Well everyone, dinner is ready", said Melinda.

Michael was on the phone with his partner, along with his wife by him. They start sitting on the table chair while Michael is talking on the phone. Meanwhile, Hayden and Maureen came into the dining room.

"Mrs. Henson, you need help?" asked Hayden.

"Oh no honey, call me Melinda, your family now," said Melinda nicely.

"Did Melody called?" asked Natalie.

"Melody's your sister, right?" asked Hayden.

"Yeah, baby sister", said Maureen, "Oh mom, she called so she's not coming today, she's going to find a hotel. She's coming tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Why?!" Melinda shocked.

"Her bus was out of gas and she's staying at some hotel." Said Maureen.

"I'll leave a hot plate for Melody in the stove," Melinda said.

"I'll call you back," Michael hung up the phone then placed it on his plate.

Everyone sat around the table for dinner when Madison ask, "Will it be ok if I say grace?"

"That will be nice", said Morgan.

Around the table, Morgan holds Maureen's hand, next to Maureen is Hayden next to her is Melinda, next to her was Natalie, next to her is Michael and next to him is Madison.

Madison leads the prayer: "Dear Lord, Thank you for this food we about to receive, bless my mother and Maureen's big day and rest of the family. And Lord, we thank you for the Henson family for welcoming us with open arms." Michael shrugs his shoulders with a quiet laugh while Madison prayed. "And Lord, we ask you to give us love and strength for all of us around this table and reminding ourselves its ok to be who we are and not let anyone judge us. In Jesus name, we all say, Amen"

"Amen," they all said.

"That was lovely dear," said Melinda.

"Thank you, Mrs. Henson. This food looks so good," said Madison.

The family fixed their plate with greens, macaroni and cheese, dressing, yams, cornbread, fried chicken, Cesar salad, and ham.

Michael scooped some salad on his plate then ate it. Melinda looked at Michael and said, "Baby that's all you going to eat?"

"That's all I'm eating. I don't eat this stuff no more".

Maureen said, "Well I made your favorite cornbread and chicken."

"I don't eat that stuff no more because I don't want to catch your homo disease".

Everyone went silent and stared at Michael.

"Michael, why would you say that?" asked Natalie.

"I'm sorry I'm trying to stay straight." Said Michael in a sarcastic voice.

Melinda yelled at Michael, "Boy, that's enough."

"Please!" yelled Maureen.

"Please what Maureen?" said Michael.

Maureen is silent.

"That's what I thought," he said then apologized, "Look sorry for my outburst." Then he turned to Hayden, "So Hayden what school you went to?"

Maureen scoff, "Michael", she turned to Hayden, "Ignore my brother."

"C'mon Maureen let your lover talk," said Michael.

"It's ok, hon," Hayden said to Maureen, "I went to NYU in my senior year. I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Real Estate. I have family from Boston. When I got the job in real estate, my youngest sister, Heather passed away in a drunk driving accident. She was seventeen. Madison was six months old when it happened."

"Oh I'm real sorry," said Melinda.

"I don't want to talk about it, but I and she were really close."

"That's good," said Natalie.

"I was so focused on my daughter's life. Oh, she's a good singer, she's going to perform at the wedding rehearsal and wedding reception if that's ok. I minor in music so that's where she got her talent from."

"I can't wait to hear you sing," Natalie said to Madison.

"I hope you guys will like it. It's just some Motown songs and a new song I wrote with the wedding band." Said Madison.

Melinda asked Hayden, "I don't mean to pry but Hayden, what happen to Madison's father?"

Hayden answered nervously, "Well, he's-" she looked at Michael, then Maureen.

Before she answers, Madison answered for her. "He died while my mom was pregnant with me. I never had the chance to meet him. My mom said I'm biracial so my father is black. My mom told me he went to NYU, that's where I want to be after high school. Right, mom?"

Hayden looked at her and said, "You're absolutely right."

"Speaking of NYU, Michael went to that dangerous city to get a degree," said Melinda

Michael yelled, "Look it's one of the best schools ever and I went there at 15, by myself like a mature young adult. So don't make fun of my Alma mater. Did you go to NYU?"

Melinda paused.

Michael said, "Exactly"

Maureen yelled, "Michael, don't yell at mom like that!"

"And don't—", Morgan stop the fight. "SETTLE DOWN!!"

They both stop talking.

Morgan apologized to Madison, "I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm glad you want to be just like him. Losing a parent is hard. I lost my father when I was two. I couldn't imagine my life without him."

Michael quietly left the table and called his partner from his firm.

Maureen in anger, "Ugh, why you keep doing that?!" Michael ignored her.

"Sorry Hayden, he does that all the time. Don't know why he treats us like that," said Maureen.

"That's fine." Said Hayden quietly.

After the family had dinner, they enjoyed spending time with Hayden and Maureen. Except for Michael, he was upstairs on his computer, reviewing his case. He does not like to spend time with his family because he feels uncomfortable being around with his sister and his family. He only spends time with Natalie but he let her spend time with his family.

The rest of the family was enjoying hot chocolates, dancing to old school music, and playing games.

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