Chapter 14-The Wedding

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Everything went well. The family was relieved when Maureen was found safe. They are now at the hotel to prepare for the wedding. All the guests came including relatives and friends of Maureen and Hayden.

Hayden, with her three bridesmaids, are in the suite, getting ready for the wedding. Putting her make up on, she hears a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" asks Hayden.

"It's me," said Madison.

She rushes to the door to answer. She opens and let Madison in, wearing a red short mid-length empire dress.

"Can I talk to you alone?" she asked.

"Sure honey," then Hayden tells her bridesmaids to leave the room. After they left, Hayden smiles at Madison and said, "You look beautiful," She fix Madison's sleeves, "You sleeves are way up your shoulders." She pulls them down.

Madison asks, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Hayden sighs and explains, "I didn't want you to get hurt. After your mom died, you became mine. Every time I look at you, you look just like your mom. You were so young and I was waiting to tell you when you have gone off to college. Sweetheart, I'm so sorry. You know I did the best I can to be a mother to you. In my mind, I am your aunt but in my heart, I am your mother."

Madison in tears, when Hayden continues.

"You know what your mom told me?"

"No", said Madison.

Hayden wipes Madison's tears as she explains, "She told me, and I quote' whatever happens to me, I want you to take care of my daughter. Let her know I will always be in her heart. 'When she told me about Michael, she showed me a picture of her and Michael as teens. After she died, I tried to search and get contact from him to help take care of you. However, no luck till I met Maureen. When Maureen told me about her brother, I was shocked. I told Maureen about him and my sister, so she understands and we decided to keep it a secret. I love you with all my heart. If you want to call me aunt Hayden, that's ok."

Madison looks at her and says, "I was thinking about that. My whole life was a lie and I feel like I don't know who I am. Look you always been my mom. You don't have any kids but for sixteen years you raised me. You raised me really well. No matter what you say or anyone says, You will always be my mom. I can have two or three moms: You, Maureen, and Heather. I love you so much."

"Mommy loves you," Hayden hugs Madison.

"I forgave Michael, I mean, my father. I'm going to talk to him and get to know him and Natalie after the wedding."

"That's good," Hayden smiles, "Now let's get ready for the wedding."

The wedding ceremony begins with Hayden's and Maureen's bridesmaids walking down the aisle. The ceremony is filled with Christmas ornaments and presents next to a row of chairs. The Christmas tree is on the altar behind the male preacher, along with the deejay playing slow Christmas songs from Stevie Wonder, Mariah Carey, and Celine Dion.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please rise for the bride," the preacher tells the guests. They stand up from their chairs to see the bride. Maureen and her father, Morgan walks down the aisle when their wedding march music is a wedding singer singing "Tell me it's Real" by K-Ci and JoJo. Maureen, in tears, see Hayden smiling. Hayden mouthed, "I love you" to Maureen. Then the preacher asks, "Who gives this woman to this woman?"

Morgan proudly said, "I do," then turns to Maureen and kiss her cheek, "I love you pumpkin."

"Love you too, daddy." He gives Hayden a hug then went to sit next to Melinda.

The preacher begins to start marrying Maureen and Hayden, "Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to join two people in holy matrimony. Maureen-"

Michael interrupts him, "Excuse me, before you marry them, sir, I have to say something." The guests' murmurs and Maureen ask Michael, "What going on?"

Michael begins to explain in front of the guests. "I will like to do something right for this family." He looks at Natalie then went down on one knee. Everyone is in shocked including the whole Henson family.

"Baby, I love you with all my heart. I need to rebuild this family tradition. Can we renew our vows?"

Natalie cries, "You want me to remarry you?"

"Yes, let's do"

"Right now unless the preacher is ok with it?"

Michael looks at him and then the preacher announces, "Looks like there's a double wedding everyone. Please join us."

Natalie said, "Let's get renewed." She kisses Michael and they went to the altar to join Maureen and Hayden. The preacher starts over, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join two couples, Maureen Janell Henson and Hayden Elizabeth Porter and Michael Henson and Natalie Gordon-Henson. The couples have written their own vows, Maureen you can go first." Maureen looks straight at Hayden to say her vows.

"Hayden, you are my heart and soul. You are my hero, my love, and my best friend. You were there for me when I'm sick, depressed, or lonely. I love you 100%. I promise to love you, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, as long as we both shall live. I thank God for giving me a wonderful woman like you."

Hayden begins to say her vows after Maureen finished. "Maureen, words cannot express how much I love you. You mean the world to me. You are a good role model, well, a second mom to Madison. Even though she is not my daughter but I am still her mother at heart. I promise to love you for rich or poor, sickness and health as long as we both shall live. I know that God has a plan for both of us. He will help us make this relationship last a long time."

Michael starts saying his vows to Natalie, "Baby, since we've been married I was a real jerk. I'm so sorry for the way I treated you." In tears, as he continues, "I love you with all my heart. You are the best woman I ever had. We are going to have a beautiful baby together, and I will make sure that I will take care of my responsibility." Natalie said, "Michael, I forgive everything you did to me. I cannot hate the person who gave me a gift that I always wanted. We will accept Madison into the family along with our child."

Melinda and Morgan holding each other in their seats watching their children marry their soulmates. The preacher said, "And now, let's have the rings." Maureen and Hayden get their rings from their maid of honor, then the preacher turns to Maureen and asks, "Do you Maureen take Hayden to be your wife, to honor her, to cherish, as long as you both shall live?"

"I will", said Maureen

"Place the ring on Hayden's finger," said the preacher, then Maureen place the ring on Hayden's finger.

The preacher turns to Hayden to repeat the question, "Hayden, do you take Maureen to be your wife, to honor her, to cherish, as long as you both shall live?"

"I will", said Hayden.

"Place the ring on Maureen's finger," said the preacher, then Hayden place the ring on Maureen's finger.

The preacher now turn to Michael and Natalie, then ask, "Do you two take each other again?"

"We do," said Michael and Natalie together.

The preacher finishes, "By the power invested in me, I now pronounce Maureen and Hayden, wife and wife. Along with Michael and Natalie, husband and wife again. Hayden and Michael, kiss your bride."

Maureen and Hayden and Michael and Natalie kissed while the guests are applauding.

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