Chapter 8-Morning

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Scramble eggs, grits, pancakes, bacon, biscuits, hot chocolates, and coffee for breakfast. Morgan and Melinda were cooking when Madison came in the kitchen.

"Hi, Mrs. Henson," greeted Madison

"How you doing, sweetheart?" said Melinda.

"Sleep well?" asked Morgan.

"Yes, sir. You need help," asked Madison

"Well, the biscuits are ready. You want to butter them," asked Melinda

"Yes, Ma'm".

Morgan took the biscuits out of the oven for Madison to butter them. "They smell good," she said then carefully buttered the biscuits.

Maureen and Hayden came in the kitchen getting ready to eat breakfast.

"Well there's the lovely couple," said Morgan happily.

"Morning dad," Maureen said then kisses his cheek.

"You two slept well, asked Morgan.

"Yeah," said Hayden holding Maureen and gave her a kiss.

"Aww, you two are perfect together," said Melinda.

Natalie and Michael walked in.

"Good Morning, Natalie," Melinda said.

"Morning," grumpy Natalie said.

"Honey, why are you so grumpy," asked Melinda.

"I don't want to talk about it," said Natalie.

Maureen looked at Michael angrily, "Michael what did you do to her?"

Michael said while looking at his phone, "What?"

Maureen in anger, "Get your fucking eyes off the phone and answer my question!"

Melinda yelled, "Maureen!"

Maureen yelled at Michael, "Why is Natalie acting like this in the morning?"

Michael, with his phone in his hand and asked, "What?"

Maureen yelled, "Get your fucking eyes off the phone and answer my damn question, you dickhead!"

Michael teased Maureen by asking, "Why are you marrying a dyke, dyke?"

"Michael," Natalie disappointedly said then everyone went silent.

"You know why," said Maureen.

Michael confronted her, "Maureen, how come you can't find a real man? Don't you like dicks? Do you see me bringing a man and surprisingly tell the family I'm marrying him while we prepare a wedding?"

Maureen angrily, "You know what Michael, you are this close to getting these grits thrown in your face!"

"TRY ME, LESBO!!" Michael screamed.


"You know what, I lost my appetite, " Michael said when he left the kitchen. "You disgust me." He said to Maureen.

"Leave for all of us," Maureen said. The doorbell rang. Maureen went to answer the door. "Whoever it is, I'm in no mood."

Maureen went to get the door. Surprised, it was...

"Melody!!!" Maureen excitedly screamed.

"Maureen!!" screamed Melody.

"C'mon in and hurry up!"

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